According to Chinese military
As South Korea became the latest country to buy and deploy US F-35 stealth fighter jets, Chinese military observers asserted that an upgraded
Chinese J-20 fighter will gain overwhelming superiority over the F-35 in future and that China can fend off all potential threats from what media dubs
the “US F-35 friends circle” in the Asia-Pacific region.
Of course, one would expect them to say such things...
But, could they be right??
Now, most of you know that my expertise in aircraft, and aircraft design is limited to "oooh, that's cool" , or words to that effect...
But amongst the reading I've done on the subject is that both aircraft will be, eventually, very much on par with the other, the F-35 is the superior
at the moment, with the J-20 upgrades, mostly in the area of engines is my understanding, in the future making it much closer in
capabilities. Each will pose a significant threat to the other should combat ever occur.
Since the J-20 isn't, at the moment, intended for foreign sales, it seems unlikely that the two will encounter each other--it bears repeating, at the
Some experts have said the Chinese still have not quite reached the level of stealth sophistication that the west has. The J-20 has, by many
accounts, the front radar cross section that matches the F-117--so it's equiv. of first generation stealth. From the sides, especially the rear, the
radar cross section is much worse.
From what I'm reading, at the moment, the F-35 is the superior platform, with improvements at a later time, bringing the J-20 to a level of parity,
or at worst, near parity.
What is beyond question, at least to my mind, is the very present danger the J-20 would present to AWACS, and assorted aircraft of that sort.
Including, air to air refueling assets.
I stand ready to be educated.