Nothing to do with cute little birdie wordies, actually about foolish idiots who apparently have been educated...
Now we can blame TV and movies for plenty and do our best to make it stick but in general its the general public who suffer from mental health issues
that create their own 'fun' that's as dumb as a box of frogs (sorry frogs, I personally put you many notches above this lot).
Well here's the link to the story but I'll give it some background 1st.
Netflix made a recent film with Sandra Bullock called Bird Box, part of the idea is that if people can see then their minds can be forced to make them
kill themselves so for part of the film Sandra wears a blindfold so stop her seeing yet tries to get about wearing it. Sounds ok (ish) but some people
on social media have decided to try and copy the films idea of attempting to do stuff (especially) driving), blindfolded...
Yep, utter morons....
Here's a link to a more well written synopsis from the BC and with the results so far of the craze..
Now personally I won't miss people who decide to try this out as its clear there's little or no working parts in the the top floor apartment BUT its
the bloody innocents that morons like this will kill I do feel for but you know what makes me livid, its that the same sort of people want a political
/ powerful force in the running of countries (no matter how pointless that actually is). Some donut like this would sit on social media or in a crowd
ranting on about how they know how people are discriminated. affected, treated or put upon by society, all this while driving head first in to
oncoming traffic as a 'dare'.
Sure we are talking low numbers but HELL, how did anyone either think about it or worse still know others would think its a 'great game'..
If these people want to drive down a ski slope in to a solid brick wall while blindfolded then I'm up for that, might even watch that for a dollar
(wee joke) but sadly they want to play chicken with real lives that do care if they live..
Then these same types want to say their word matters...I don't care if they have the IQ of Einstein, the basic survival gene is f*cked in them, I
would have more thought for Parkour people who train hard to do mad stuff but jumping in a car with a blindfold on and heading out in to the
If these people have no care for themselves then what care do you think they have for others if in power...Zero...
We have enough cold heart killers in government without adding the wannabe learners for a laugh..
Rant OFF.....
Just waiting for the silly, but its their choice and human right to do what they want...Really??.......Then join the blindfold queue around the corner
by the ski slope and show your support!
edit on 12-1-2019 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)
edit on 12-1-2019 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason
edit on 12-1-2019 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)
edit on 12-1-2019 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason