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30 Transgender Regretters Come Out Of The Closet

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posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Ha ha, you keep bringing up stuff and then you get mad when I comment on it.

Fair enough, let’s just agree to disagree and quit talking to each other. Fine by me.

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

It's so sad, isn't it? "Ma'am" and "Sir" are titles of respect and courtesy, but somehow now the semantics are more important than the good will and good intentions behind the words. We don't know how to appreciate what really matters anymore -- including people.

It is very sad!

Sir and Ma'am are indeed titles of respect, but to be honest... I stopped to consider a moment how it would likely be taken when typing that post. It's scary to think that a show of respect that has been such for centuries can become something that could be mistaken for disrespect. But at least I chose wisely. I would be loathe to address kaylaluv as "ma'am," because I don't know how that would translate into her world, which seems to be totally alien to mine.

In my world, as it appears it is in your world, people are people and all deserve respect until they show they do not. I simply don't understand the "pick and choose" mentality when considering people... it seems there is so much emphasis placed on sexual relations and nowhere near enough on human relations.

Martin Luther King Jr. would be turning in his grave if he could see what some have done to his dream. He believed in equality for all.


posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: Boadicea

I believe I included a Wikipedia article with supporting documentation on murders of transgender females.

Yes, you did. My apologies.

Most of the intimate partners of trans females are cis males.

So obviously not transphobes, eh? And yet, those intimate partners are far more likely commit violence against them than the people in society at large -- which means far more frequently as well.

Trans females are basically forced to do sex work to make money, because they have a hard time getting legitimately employed.

I understand the accepted dynamics -- the whys and wherefores -- but it does not change the fact that much of the violence committed against these transgenders are for reasons other than transphobia. And just to be clear, when a transgender sex workers misrepresent or do not disclose their true physical status to their prospective client, and the client reacts violently upon learning the truth, the provocation is false advertising and fraud -- not transphobia.

I am NOT blaming the victim. There is no excuse for violence even in that situation. Lock the violent perps up and throw away the key. Because no matter how outraged, the client can and should just walk away.

Wonder why they have a hard time getting legitimately employed?? Could it be... transphobism?

Possibly... in fact, at least some of the time, no doubt. Just because that's how some folks are.

But it's certainly not the only reason. And probably not the primary reason. According to some I know with personal experience, they are just too damn high maintenance. Like the MTF restaurant worker that refused to wear an unembellished unisex uniform (just like every other employee) and refused to tie his hair back (just like every other employee) because it was "trans erasure." Yup. His vain glory came before company policy and even health laws... Sheesh. The bright spot is that he quit before the manager had to fire him.

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

I only get mad when someone has the entire freakin' planet and still wants to attack me after driving me out of it. That dog don't hunt.

The other discussion was actually me trying to understand your position, but your callous, heartless, inhumane response to a sensitive issue helped me to understand: you have no care for people unless they are some protected class you can use to make yourself feel better about being so hateful to others. I didn't want to believe that before, but I guess I should have. I actually thought we could perhaps have a civil discussion. My bad.


posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Attacking You??? You were the one who equated me with the KKK. You don’t think that’s an attack on me?

My mother has severe asthma. Being around smokers in a public place LITERALLY hurts her. I’m sorry you’re mad because I’m glad she can go to a restaurant or be on an airplane without passing out from lack of oxygen. Do you literally pass out because you can’t smoke?

Regardless, that is not the subject of this thread. It’s not about smoking, and it’s not about you, and it’s not about me.

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

In my world, as it appears it is in your world, people are people and all deserve respect until they show they do not.

Exactly. And even after they show they don't deserve it, we still afford them a certain amount of respect for humanity itself -- both theirs and ours.

I simply don't understand the "pick and choose" mentality when considering people... it seems there is so much emphasis placed on sexual relations and nowhere near enough on human relations.

I don't understand it either. We've all been reduced to bits and parts and had a label (or two... or three...) slapped on us. When did we stop respecting individuality? Why did we stop valuing every person's unique combination of nature and nurture?

Martin Luther King Jr. would be turning in his grave if he could see what some have done to his dream. He believed in equality for all.

And he fought for it passionately and tirelessly under the worst of circumstances. A man with a mission from God fighting the good fight for ALL. He is still an inspiration to those with the eyes to see and the ears to listen. We can be thankful for that much.

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 10:18 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

I have had the opposite experience. Every trans female I know has no regrets over their transitioning. The only regrets they may have about their transition are the things they just cannot change ( large hands, broad shoulders, etc.). The happiest trans people I know, are the one who began transitioning early enough that those “male” attributes didn’t get a chance to present themselves.

I don’t really know any trans males, so I can’t speak to any personal experience there.

I doubt anyone believes you.

Query these people properly without the constant brainwashing around and NONE of these people are happy at all.

Entire swaths of transgender and LGBT community are coming to realize a great many things...that not one of them are the same and none have been told the truth.

Your blurred visions are cracking...and fast now.

HOLLYWOOD does NOT speak for ANYONE...but the depraved.

And you know it.

posted on Jan, 7 2019 @ 10:31 PM

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan
Caitlyn Jenner has made statements that suggest she regrets becoming female. Suicide rates for transgender people are well above average, and studies have shown that, on the whole, transgender people are no happier than they were before.

It's not politically correct to say so, but yes, there is every indication that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. The person cannot accept themselves for who they are, and they believe their life would be better if they were the other gender. I imagine that in most cases the person suffered from some sever trauma, like sexual abuse as a child.

It is indeed one of the greatest transgressions against Humanity to lie to them repeatedly like all other of the False Religions found here...ALL belief systems that are designed to confound, confuse, subjugate, and torment...

Why these humans insist on believing science..medical sciences..authorities..people with backing of elite scum since forever..actually think they are remotely being told the truth as to why they just generally are NOT WELL.

Liberal Progressives may just break all the previous records of wholehearted gullibility and complete enslavement, entrainment.

Appear to be THE most easy to tell what is...and is not and have COMPLETE and TOTAL FAITH that absolutely EVERYTHING they hear from their masters is the entire truth.

We have entered the Final Matrix Event....totally.

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 09:44 AM
For anyone interested, a new article explaining autogynephilia -- aka gender euphoric -- and those heterosexual male transgenders who are sexually aroused by fantasizing about being a woman. Several examples in their own words.

It also covers the abuse lesbians, gays and feminists are receiving from the Trans Industry when they dare oppose their demands.

The Elephant In The Room

Please discuss the elephant.

ETA: I'm doing my best to discuss this!!! I found this title a little amusing, because I wrote this thread in May 2016: Autogynephilia: The Elephant in the Transgender Bathroom
edit on 8-1-2019 by Boadicea because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

hm - here [ UK ] people identifying as trans - go through a quite involved journey - that includes a lot of counseling - and psychological evaluation

there is no " magic bullet " transitioning

the possible benefits and risks are explained fully - and must be demonstrably understood

so yup - thats informed consent covered

however - the bollox presented in the OP - is just dogma driven drivel

its not " educational "

its religious ideology

and lastly - what the hell is my " dogma " ???????????????????

posted on Jan, 8 2019 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

hm - here [ UK ] people identifying as trans - go through a quite involved journey - that includes a lot of counseling - and psychological evaluation there is no " magic bullet " transitioning...

To be specific, those who apply for and receive the GRC (Gender Recognition Certification) go through a process. However, not all people who identify as trans go through that process. And not all people who identify as trans want to go through that process. Nor do all people who identify as trans identify as "gender dysphoric." Which is a major reason that process is currently under review, with the proposed goal of allowing "Self ID," which could eliminate that diagnostic and treatment process altogether. So there could very well soon be a "magic bullet" transitioning. It is certainly being considered right now.

Gender Recognition Act: 'Why we want identity rules changed'

(Closed consultation) Reform of the Gender Recognition Act 2004

however - the bollox presented in the OP - is just dogma driven drivel

its not " educational "

its religious ideology

and lastly - what the hell is my " dogma " ???????????????????

You really can't make the leap? Your opinions are no more or less "dogma" or "religious ideology" than anyone else's. And it's pretty darn arrogant and callous to dismiss the very real experiences of people who have actually lived the life that you are ostensibly advocating for.

I am a person of faith. I understand faith for what it is. Transsexuals stating that they cannot change their physical sex and cannot be the opposite gender is not religion and has nothing to do with faith. It's reality. Believing that one can change their physical sex and believingcan be the opposite gender is opinion -- and much closer to faith and religion.

posted on Jan, 17 2019 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Madder than a misgendered trans person in GameStop
edit on 17-1-2019 by chelsdh because: (no reason given)

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