posted on Jan, 6 2019 @ 12:29 AM
a reply to:
You said:
Listen to ATSer DUG88 and not Elon Musk.
First, this is just nonsense. Why should anyone listen to a person who posts on ATS and they don't even read the links they posted vs. a genius
billionaire who has changed the world? Musk and others have access to things most people haven't seen.
Secondly, you said:
When it reaches emotional intelligence then it's AI
This clearly shows the problem. AI doesn't have to have emotional intelligence in order to be intelligent. You watch too many TV shows and movies.
You act like AI has to be like the little boy from AI movie in order to be called AI.
AI is neural networks and intelligent algorithms mostly in the cloud. So if AI takes over, it will not be a bunch of robots. It will be an
Intelligence you can't see.
Today, not 30 years from now, AI is already everywhere. This is how AI will easily take over if it thinks taking over is necessary to reach it's goal.
It will already control just about every aspect of our lives. It will not be a bunch of clunky robots in the streets.
Stop watching movies about AI and start reading about what's actually happening now. Here's some recent headlines.
AI Everywhere
Surprising ways we already interact with artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence is everywhere, watching almost all modern-day human behaviors.
So people think AI has to be human like in order to be intelligent. That's just nonsense and dumb AI is more dangerous.
AI today makes correlations within an underlying data set that it needs to reach it's goal without explicit instructions. THIS IS INTELLIGENCE.
I can learn the differences between cat and a dog and different breeds and so can AI today. What's AI can't do is say I know what cats and dogs are
and I want a cat as a pet because I don't like dogs and cats are friendlier to me.
AI will not be human Intelligence, it will be machine intelligence. So while you're waiting for iRobot to show up, AI will be everywhere from smart
grids to drones and taking over will simply be depriving humans of electricity or spreading a virus that we don't even know exists.