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Peace Week, an initiative to heal.

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posted on Dec, 30 2018 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: DictionaryOfExcuses

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: zatara
people are more educated.

This is a great topic for debate, but a little definition is in order.

When you say "more educated", do you refer to quantity or quality?

In other words, do mean "provided with more information" or "developed innate abilities to a higher degree"?

Or is there some other sense you drive at when you say "more educated"?

Do you think it's remotely possible that people are "educated" away from trusting observations of their environments and "educated" into thinking that "every conceivable metric" already proves that the world is way better off than it EVER has been?

Can you conceive of any reason why one would want to question this putatively irreproachable data?

That is the best way possible in anyway possible of course. Only the best for the citizens...

posted on Dec, 30 2018 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: Assemble
a reply to: zatara

I don't want to be dismissive out of hand, but I think what you say *might* sound good on paper, but the reality is that it would be the perfect way to have a one world government, which many people see as a totalitarian threat.

IMHO a world government is not such a bad idea.. the only thing that troubles me is who will be on the wheel and how it is organised.

posted on Dec, 30 2018 @ 09:41 AM

originally posted by: generik
a reply to: zatara

it's a nice dream. but a dream is all it is. the problem is that peace goes completely against human (or animal for that matter), instincts. we can't even get peace within the same country, or even between next door neighbours. heck we can't even get along just within families for that mater. so how can we even think of world peace? once you can get communities and cities with no crime and no division (and that especially includes politics). when divorce no longer happens. when siblings don't fight. when everyone gets along anywhere and everywhere and no one even argues. THEN world peace might have a chance. until then just remember every argument you hear, every fight you hear about or see. every divorce or family feud. and every time a politician can not agree with another. it shows that world peace can not happen since all wars really are is countries doing as every person in the world does. after all war is really nothing more in the end than two people arguing against each other, just on a much larger scale.

Yes, I agree. But that should not be a reason not to keep trying.

posted on Dec, 31 2018 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: generik
a reply to: zatara

it's a nice dream. but a dream is all it is. the problem is that peace goes completely against human (or animal for that matter), instincts. we can't even get peace within the same country, or even between next door neighbours. heck we can't even get along just within families for that mater. so how can we even think of world peace? once you can get communities and cities with no crime and no division (and that especially includes politics). when divorce no longer happens. when siblings don't fight. when everyone gets along anywhere and everywhere and no one even argues. THEN world peace might have a chance. until then just remember every argument you hear, every fight you hear about or see. every divorce or family feud. and every time a politician can not agree with another. it shows that world peace can not happen since all wars really are is countries doing as every person in the world does. after all war is really nothing more in the end than two people arguing against each other, just on a much larger scale.

I am not sure of that.. I mean that this dream goes completely against human instinct. We have a fight or flight instinct when it comes to agression or a situation in which there is a direct threat for our safety. If you are not a murderous psychopath most people..if not all people will be shocked if they experience the need to kill or have killed someone...or see someone being killed. I think humans are in nature peaceful creatures who prefer evrything to be quiet and in harmony. Of course there will always be disagreement about something and someone not able to control anger, greed and the need to be considered more important than someone can call it jealousy. These are trades which are part of being human. But do not forget we are talking about nations here and not the desires of an individual. It is therefore imp[ortant that the power of a nation should never be in the hands of one ..or just a few persons..

There is a lot to organise, organisation structures and conditions requiered for a chance of world peace... As I said before in one of the other threads somewhere on this forum... One of the most important requierments is to forbid sociopaths having leadership positions in a government...any government department. If a nation can secure this condition we are on the good track in my humble opinion.

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