posted on Jan, 19 2019 @ 05:42 PM
[setting the scene
3 days before christmas 2105 cape coral fla]
i was in my garage looking at my moms big memorial picture that we had used at her funeral in 2010
i said " come on mom if your really here please give me a sign , no little dust blowing by the camera evidence
but something that will be UNMISTAKEABLE !!!! " so i forgot about it & went inside with the family'.
A few minutes later im holding my fiance & next to us is 5 other people in the kitchen ,BAM a HUGE blue silver
sparkle explosion happened 3 feet over our heads!!!!!
i was what the f#@#k was that!!!. we were in shock , then i remembered lol.
I go back out in the garage & say " ma that was awesome but i need 1 more thing to remove any doubt that your here.
I walk in to the house & hear my daughter inlaw exclaim " what the f##@k!!!! in her had was CLEAR string of christmas lights
the problem was ari had plugged in colored lights to make sure they all worked , when she put them up over her door & plugged them in they turned
CLEAR !!!!!! i laughed to myself & said " ok ok mom i believe you "