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Medicaid recipients will owe co-pays starting Jan. 1 & more people have to work for food stamps!

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posted on Dec, 20 2018 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: Xtrozero

And btw. When trump gave companies back some money. What did they do? Buy back stock. And I'm pretty sure that money went into executive bonuses as well.

If you want more jobs. You need to put more money into the hands of the middle class. When the middle class has more money to purchase food, luxuries etc. Then companies have to hire workers.

Depends on the company... Buying back stocks many times is a preferred method over paying dividends. The company I work for pays bonuses based on our company's performance and that could be 0 bonus...If we do not meet our goals set at the beginning of the year there is no bonus. The old picture of a bunch of execs all laughing as they light their cigars with 100 dollar bills is an old meme, so in the vast majority of business most things are based on performance markers.

The small fact that the fortune 500 companies only have about 17% of the work force, so your evil company ideal is really not much of the work force overall.

posted on Dec, 20 2018 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

What amazes me is the sheer number of people that love this system. The people that think stocks are the greatest wealth creator there is and it is completely fair to all. That think our banking system is great and necessary, unable to imagine fraud buried at the heart of this system. Opaqueness and complexity hiding the majority of sins where eyes will glaze over as full explanations are made on the corruption.

They just don't care.

They don't care that fiat or even 0's & 1's are created out of thin air, making their wealth worth less. The rich and powerful don't care, they have the hard cold assets that will appreciate with inflation. The people that rely on money already saved can't imagine their nest egg will only purchase 1/2 of the amount of food it did even 10 years ago. But but but interest, compound interest at that.

Unearned income. Free money where people think it is earned because they are 'smart' or 'brilliant'. Picking up scraps where the inside traders and fraudsters are making the big bucks. Maybe they have to lie to themselves because they are participating in this system.

Is it wrong to enjoy the taste of their sweet salty tears when this thing falls again like it did in 2007/2008? I wonder what types of new tricks will be attempted from the fed. I hope their bag is empty because pain and suffering are the only things that make the majority of us open our eyes.

We are our own worse enemies. They are able to rape us by simply hanging a unearned fiat dollar in front of us.

edit on 20-12-2018 by ClovenSky because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2018 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

There's a problem. Alot of people cant get to job training or even get a job.

posted on Dec, 20 2018 @ 06:20 PM
I would rather see a $100,000 per child birth tax for people making less than $100k per year and use the revenue to give food stamps and housing to those kids when they grow up and can't/won't work.

If they can't pay the tax they go to jail with their kids and there won't be any argument as to who pays for what. The kids can buy their way out of prison if they can find a job. I am of the opinion that if you really want kids you should be willing to pay for them in advance and you should be able to prove you can pay for raising them properly.

OTOH, you should be able to get a TAX CREDIT of you're willing to get an abortion and get yourself spayed or neutered.

edit on 20-12-2018 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-12-2018 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-12-2018 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-12-2018 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2018 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

i can understand the food stamp bit but being locked out for 3 years is way too extreme and ripe to screw people over, people in this country need to stop pre-judging others so much and pushing lawmakers to make laws because feelings and unproven claims of abuse, such laws are counterproductive and always without exception have unintended consequences.

the whole Medicaid part is definitely is unfair, why should people already struggling with money and disability have to suddenly co-pay, i wish people would understand how devastating this kind of thing is to people like me who can't work even if we want to, we are hurt the most by such unjust laws and most of us can't even be heard, we can't protest or complain in a meaningful ways or big enough numbers.
why can't Americans see past their own baseless suspicions of others?

wanna know the biggest reason i can't work besides my disability? why so many getting benefits are so unwilling to work? why so many don't try to rise out of poverty?

because we're afraid to make too much, many of us would be risking our very lives, without some help just a short bout of bad luck could literally kill many of us.

imagine relying on the state to pay for your wheelchair, transport, way of breathing, way of communicating, medication, doctor visits, er visits then BAM you lose it all, just like that because you made 10 dollars over the limit. just like that you're doomed to die with no recourse nor a way out.

just co-paying is impossible for many even with a job, many healthy people who aren't poor never understand how badly these rules can hurt people, this kinda crap is why 60% of all disabled people don't even try to work, such rules have turned all America's benefit programs into a prison that confines us with the fear of losing everything, even your life.

stop screwing people over who need help and always judging us like criminals for no real reason, such programs are supposed to help people, not judging people like a convicted criminal when we've done nothing wrong. just because people are suspicious.

people who support such things are the biggest reason everything is so expensive and ineffective, its ruining this country from the inside.

sorry for ranting but sometimes i'm getting tired of this bull# in America, there is no #ing abuse to stop, literally less than 1% abuse the system, how about instead of judging us maybe you all should better manage your money. hypocrites.

posted on Dec, 20 2018 @ 08:27 PM
I just think it's funny how people bicker over how to spend the tax money that they are not even voluntarily paying out in the first place. Like if you really want to dictate how your tax money gets spent, lobby for the right to stop paying taxes if you don't like the way it's being spent. IOW, voluntary taxpayers. If the system has no revenue, it will have to listen to you. If they get your money whether you like it or not, why should they care if you don't?

posted on Dec, 20 2018 @ 08:52 PM

Misanthrope much?

What your suggesting, debtors prisons and poor farms were abolished nearly 2 centuries ago.

People who lack empathy and compassion for others who suffer from poor health tend to be hateful and generally intolerant of most everyone and everything.
I've lived long enough to see such peoples hatred consume them and make them sick.

As far as only the wealthy being allowed to have children, 99.9 percent of all couples starting families aren't prepared for the expense of children, it's how it's been for as long as humans have been procreating.

I don't know what world you live in but I'm certainly glad it's not mine.

posted on Dec, 20 2018 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: Elostone

Misanthrope much?

Maybe a little. Mostly just common sense. If you have no money and you have kids, what do you think is going to happen? You're going to blame the kids for being born when they grow up and can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag because their parents sucked? It's like going out into a blizzard naked and blaming the weather.

I channel my misanthropy where it can do the most good. If you really want to solve a problem, you go for the root and not the leaves. I know, I know! This common sense approach to problems that don't even have to exist makes WAY too much sense and the vast majority of people will absolutely refuse to even think about it. Oh well.

This is one of the biggest reasons why so many people in this society don't even bother. If you're just going to beat them into slavery and blame them because they were born, why should they even try to support this rotten system?
edit on 20-12-2018 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2018 @ 04:06 AM
People think the poor are entitled for not wanting to starve to death. The rich are the most entitled people in the country. They think they don't have to contribute to society. They think we're here just to serve them. I've been around rich people you can smell the arrogance. They only people who really know the American dream is them. They get all the tax breaks and laws written in their favor. They don't know what hardship is. Try watching someone you love lose everything they worked as they're dying. They can't pay their bills because their too sick to work. Yet you jerks want to chastise people for taking a hand out. You better hope you don't have to learn what hardship is

Don't think you're immune to falling on hard times. Most people in this country are one pay check away from disaster. Smoke cigarettes drink beer eat fatty foods or hell just drink your tap water. Cancer can creep up on you at any time. Better hope you have one hell of a savings and everything paid for. Don't think it can't happen to you. Those food stamps and medicaid you pay for you might need them someday.
edit on 21-12-2018 by wantsome because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-12-2018 by wantsome because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2018 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: JAGStorm

Most co-payments will be between $1 and $8, but inpatient services, such as hospital admissions or mental health and substance abuse admissions, will be $50.

I'm confused if this applies to Kentucky only, or it's a federal policy, applying to all states.

At any rate, it targets the metally ill the most. That can't be good for society, in the end. If you want to tackle the opiod crises and drug abuse, you have to tackle metal health as well. Putting those services out of financial reach to the most vulnerable doesn't seem smart.

Like an iron deficiency?

posted on Dec, 21 2018 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: Elostone

Misanthrope much?

What your suggesting, debtors prisons and poor farms were abolished nearly 2 centuries ago.

People who lack empathy and compassion for others who suffer from poor health tend to be hateful and generally intolerant of most everyone and everything.
I've lived long enough to see such peoples hatred consume them and make them sick.

As far as only the wealthy being allowed to have children, 99.9 percent of all couples starting families aren't prepared for the expense of children, it's how it's been for as long as humans have been procreating.

I don't know what world you live in but I'm certainly glad it's not mine.
Some people are just so miserable they have to make everyone around them miserable. The internet just gives them a way to express their inner sociopath.

posted on Dec, 21 2018 @ 09:52 AM

The farm bill passed by the House called for many food stamp recipients to be locked out of the program for up to three years if they fail to work or enroll in job training.

It's stupid. The vast people on these government aid programs are single mothers, the elderly, and the working poor.

Don't strain yourself when you pat yourselves on the back, you scumbags politicians! You know what politicos, how about if you don't work, you don't get paid either.

Let's see how those *****rs like it when they got to play by the same rules.

posted on Dec, 21 2018 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: namehere

just fyi i wasn't targeting anyone specific, just venting my frustration at this country sometimes, things could be so much better for everyone if people would just trust eachother more in this country.

posted on Dec, 21 2018 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: BrianFlanders

that's the whole point, some people can't because that kind of venture takes time and money they don't have. it's not votes that have power in America, it's lobbying that has the real power. many like me have even no way to even begin such a fight, we don't number enough nor can we network like other people can, so many can't voice our dissatisfaction in these matters. voting only goes so far.

posted on Dec, 21 2018 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: namehere

Just to be a contrarian, but what if were to 'just start trusting people'? Is our society as a whole up to the honesty and self responsibility for that type of system? Or will the removal of the remaining safe guards make it ripe for the dishonest and those without honor?

What happens if you couldn't print money out of thin air like we do today to fund our promises and needed to very carefully allocate only the funds on hand to the most needy. Or would living in reality kill this entire dream?

posted on Dec, 21 2018 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm
I can't imagine living in a society where I had to pay for healthcare. 500 million Europeans are the same...'Murica the only developed nation in the world which makes people pay at the point of need. Tragic.
I've had loads of treatment this year, heart monitors, brain scans etc, cost nothing except the taxes I've paid over the years. I'm self employed so being unwell I've earned # all over the last few months, having to find money for healthcare on top would have ruined me.

posted on Dec, 21 2018 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Just as importantly, the Illegal Aliens need to be purged from the rolls, and deported. 63% of them are on U.S. taxpayer-funded welfare programs. How? Maybe they enroll online or something.

posted on Dec, 21 2018 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: wantsome
People think the poor are entitled for not wanting to starve to death. The rich are the most entitled people in the country. They think they don't have to contribute to society. They think we're here just to serve them. I've been around rich people you can smell the arrogance. They only people who really know the American dream is them. They get all the tax breaks and laws written in their favor. They don't know what hardship is. Try watching someone you love lose everything they worked as they're dying. They can't pay their bills because their too sick to work. Yet you jerks want to chastise people for taking a hand out. You better hope you don't have to learn what hardship is

Don't think you're immune to falling on hard times. Most people in this country are one pay check away from disaster. Smoke cigarettes drink beer eat fatty foods or hell just drink your tap water. Cancer can creep up on you at any time. Better hope you have one hell of a savings and everything paid for. Don't think it can't happen to you. Those food stamps and medicaid you pay for you might need them someday.

I think you've confused the middle class for the rich. The middle class is no better off than the destitute for exactly the reasons you pointed out. That's nothing really to be bitter about or jealous of. Most people are just deluded slaves.

The truly rich are just doing what any sane person would in their situation. They're lucky to be exempt from some of the BS everyone else has to deal with. But that's all it is is luck. Everyone's luck will run out sooner or later. For most of us, it runs out the day we're born. Some of us are reasonably lucky (or think we are) until we hit 18. The instant you realize you're just a slave with a number tattooed on your forehead, you realize you never had luck on your side to begin with.

You can blame the rich for protecting themselves from what would happen to them if they let their guard down for one second. That's perfectly OK. You can use a delusion to protect yourself from reality. It's what religious people have been doing for ages.

Personally, I think the really ballsy thing to do would be to take it up with your parents.

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