Over the past few years, I've decided no more consumerism during the holidays, and if possible for the entire year. I just got tired of the
coldness, stress, intolerance, unappreciative, and chaotic ripple-effect it has, on the world; and it really bums me out too.
Holidays are supposed to be special times created to reconnect, enjoy friends and family, but we've managed distort that time-off with Bling that
people really don't need, and also don't even appreciate.
Basically we've been brain-washed, and are made to feel like losers, if we don't subscribe to the holiday MO.
What have I done personally?
To combat the consumerism madness, I've started to make things every year for people with my own hands. One of them being a very high quality bar of
soap made from 100% organic coconut oil, Olive Oil, and selected essentials oils for scent. The bars are an absolute hit, because most people have
never used a homemade bar of soap, with the finest ingredients, and once they do it makes store bought brands pale in comparison.
The bars are massive, so they last along time, most are about 1/2 pound each; they are very moisturizing, and the lather they make is amazing, because
they can also be used as a shaving foam.
People that I know that are having trouble financially, I've given a certificate of time to; this certificate allows the holder to my time and
experience in fixing something in their home, or car, or something I'm proficient in.
I guess when it comes down to it, I'm just tired of the holiday rush, madness, and chaos that seems to get worse every year. My input doesn't change
the world, but it changes my world, and a few people that I personal care about.
Peace, love and Happy Holidays to everyone.
edit on 20-12-2018 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)