posted on May, 22 2022 @ 09:25 PM
The Wall was nothing more than a political stunt. Trump's very first Pardon went to a Jewish Meat plant owner who was hiring 380 illegals including
children who were abused at their work place such as not giving them enough bathroom breaks, so the illegals had to use pee bottles while they were
processing your meat such as chicken which is known for food born diseases.
The Jewish Meat plant owner only got in trouble for Using Latinos in place of certified rabbis to process the meat, Trump's administration wasn't
willing to rake that business owner over the coals for hiring the illegals.
After giving that illegal migrant employer a Pardon Trump invited the guy to the WH for a Jewish holiday party. As an added insult the Jewish meat
plant owner wore the American flag as his face mask instead of say a solid colored mask.
That's insulting because essentially the Israeli turned Old Glory into a snot & disease rag.
When you dispose of the American flag properly such as a worn flag you're suppose to cremate it to give it respect.After the holiday party the meat
plant owner flew back to Israel to live there.
Not only did he do that Pardon Trump refused to shake the Republican party for DoD funding. He spent over a year of making a fuss about Making Mexico
pay for the wall when Border Patrol should be part of the DoD's job such as National guard, coast guard, or Air National Guard.
Trump made an absolute fool out of his voting base by constantly bringing up how he was going to make Mexico pay for the wall, perhaps that was his
intention to do so since was a life long democrat for most of his life.
If the RNC refused to fund the wall with the US Military budget then put the senators in overcrowded illegal migrant detainment facility until they
bend the knee. It's what Andrew Jackson would have done.
edit on 22-5-2022 by blakdart because: (no reason given)