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posted on Dec, 15 2018 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: ccseagull

Thank you for sharing thoughts! Whether it be spiritual or physical growth, it seems you are after a life of which you cut a hard path through the unknown and leave a trail behind you. Following trails may not be of your nature I presume...

Part of this journey for myself is learning how strongly our words and thoughts manifest into reality. Tomorrow brings forth what is manifested by thought and action today. The thoughts and feelings that made progress difficult today will shift from defense to offense when cutting new paths of adversity through life.

In the same way children learn I strive to learn as well. Children push the limits of what is normal... constantly testing the boundaries of learning vs. safety. A child may climb something taller than what first feels safe, but it is only to learn new limits. When the child falls, gets hurts a bit, embarks on taller feats to climb, then they find that they were able to reach new heights of achievement when pushing through... regardless of what our parents yell from below.

New limits creates new horizons... limits of which adversity feeds voraciously upon. With new sights in tow, child learns that life is supposed to be hard as very few will take the path of most resistance.

I am limiting my ATS time to weekends, but would love to talk more. You are on good paths, I can tell... mostly by the way you word statements. I bet in time past you may have said, "but, I don't have time." Nowadays you say "but when I have a bit more time to do so." One states that you are creating a lack of time when time is not a controllable part of life to begin with, and the other states a testimony to make more action with the time you have allotted.

Best wishes to your cellf and all life!!!

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