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OBE's and this is what happened to me!

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posted on Dec, 8 2018 @ 07:58 PM
I don't know how to describe what happened to me over many I'll just tell my story. I hope other people will know what I'm talking I'm not alone or a freak!

I have always been an empath. I absolutely hate going to any kind of emotional event, like a wedding or funeral (even if I got dragged there and I don't know anyone involved), because I will always pick up and absorb other peoples emotions. It's overwhelming for me. Does this have anything to do with this? I don't know.

But the onset began about puberty. I started having experiences where I would be asleep, but my mind would wake up. I could not move my body or open my eyes. At first, it was frightening. Not being able to move my arms or open my eyes when I tried really hard to move them was scary. But I started to notice that if I just relaxed, eventually I could move them. Does the onset of puberty have anything to do with this? I don't know.

Then it turned into something else. I would wake up, recognize I was frozen, but didn't panic. Then I started to realize I was having a very weird sensation that I wasn't in my body and had the idea that I was floating just below my ceiling, if only I could open my eyes to see. This went on into adulthood.

And then it turned into something else again. I would wake up, sleep paralysis....but I would start getting a grinding noise in my ears, and feel like electricity was coursing through my body. I would be in frozen position, "float" out of my body and launch out of it. Out of the house, into the sky, and start floating over my neighborhood. Over tree tops, over rooftops.....but none of it was in my control. Until I would get "pulled' back in to my body. And wake up. Heart pounding. At time I saw something coming out of my stomach, which at the time because I had no other term, I thought of as a rubberband. I have since learned this is called the Golden Cord.

Now you should know that I am a very active and vivd dreamer. I know the difference between dreaming and being awake. These experiences never ever felt like a dream! It felt very real, and also I knew I was wide awake. So what is it?

Anyway the last experience happen in my early 40's. Sleep paralysis, grinding in ears and electricity in body, and launch. But I kept thinking how I didn't want to do this anymore. It would exhaust me, I want to go back! Suddenly I'm back, but in other bedroom in my house. I lifted my head, and clunked my head into another head....of what I dont know. Then whatever it was put its hand on me like trying to hold me down and I screamed! The next thing I know I'm back in my bed, coming out of sleep paralysis, and my heart is pounding in my chest. And I've never had a OBE experience again.

Has anyone else ever had something similar Happen to them? I know everyone has sleep paralysis while sleeping. But why these other experiences that seem so real? I never felt like it was a dream. I have always been relunctant to tell anyone because it's so weird. Am I alone?

Thanks for hearing me out!

posted on Dec, 8 2018 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: Lynzer
I don't know how to describe what happened to me over many I'll just tell my story. I hope other people will know what I'm talking I'm not alone or a freak!

I have always been an empath. I absolutely hate going to any kind of emotional event, like a wedding or funeral (even if I got dragged there and I don't know anyone involved), because I will always pick up and absorb other peoples emotions. It's overwhelming for me. Does this have anything to do with this? I don't know.

Night terrors/nightmares bringing on sleep paralysis.. It is as simple as that.

Nothing to see here folks
edit on 8/12/2018 by fusiondoe because: (no reason given)

edit on Sat Dec 8 2018 by DontTreadOnMe because: trimmed overly long quote Quote Crash Course

posted on Dec, 8 2018 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: fusiondoe

originally posted by: Lynzer
I don't know how to describe what happened to me over many I'll just tell my story. I hope other people will know what I'm talking I'm not alone or a freak!

I have always been an empath. I absolutely hate going to any kind of emotional event, like a wedding or funeral (even if I got dragged there and I don't know anyone involved), because I will always pick up and absorb other peoples emotions. It's overwhelming for me. Does this have anything to do with this? I don't know.

But the onset began about puberty. I started having experiences where I would be asleep, but my mind would wake up. I could not move my body or open my eyes. At first, it was frightening. Not being able to move my arms or open my eyes when I tried really hard to move them was scary. But I started to notice that if I just relaxed, eventually I could move them. Does the onset of puberty have anything to do with this? I don't know.

Then it turned into something else. I would wake up, recognize I was frozen, but didn't panic. Then I started to realize I was having a very weird sensation that I wasn't in my body and had the idea that I was floating just below my ceiling, if only I could open my eyes to see. This went on into adulthood.

And then it turned into something else again. I would wake up, sleep paralysis....but I would start getting a grinding noise in my ears, and feel like electricity was coursing through my body. I would be in frozen position, "float" out of my body and launch out of it. Out of the house, into the sky, and start floating over my neighborhood. Over tree tops, over rooftops.....but none of it was in my control. Until I would get "pulled' back in to my body. And wake up. Heart pounding. At time I saw something coming out of my stomach, which at the time because I had no other term, I thought of as a rubberband. I have since learned this is called the Golden Cord.

Now you should know that I am a very active and vivd dreamer. I know the difference between dreaming and being awake. These experiences never ever felt like a dream! It felt very real, and also I knew I was wide awake. So what is it?

Anyway the last experience happen in my early 40's. Sleep paralysis, grinding in ears and electricity in body, and launch. But I kept thinking how I didn't want to do this anymore. It would exhaust me, I want to go back! Suddenly I'm back, but in other bedroom in my house. I lifted my head, and clunked my head into another head....of what I dont know. Then whatever it was put its hand on me like trying to hold me down and I screamed! The next thing I know I'm back in my bed, coming out of sleep paralysis, and my heart is pounding in my chest. And I've never had a OBE experience again.

Has anyone else ever had something similar Happen to them? I know everyone has sleep paralysis while sleeping. But why these other experiences that seem so real? I never felt like it was a dream. I have always been relunctant to tell anyone because it's so weird. Am I alone?

Thanks for hearing me out!

Night terrors/nightmares bringing on sleep paralysis... Nothing to see here folks

I had ‘night terrors’ as a child. I was never conscious in any way when they happened. I was asked by my family the next day — ‘do you remember last night?’. Every time it was the same answer from me “no”.

The OP obviously has some very different experiences than mine. Dismissing the OP so quickly, when the OP is clearly asking for input / help on some troubling experiences — is just plain pompous of you.

Don’t post if you don’t have something educated to say.

And BTW, quoting the ENTIRE OP, is just annoying when you’re the first reply.
edit on 8-12-2018 by KKLOCO because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2018 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: Lynzer

Oh yeah your definitely describing astral projections/phasing/OBE's/soul travel whatever you want to call it.

All the experiences you described are what I and many others meditate ourselves into in order to have an "astral projection."

I actually learned a lot from abovetopsecret, there are massive threads on the subject.

Don't worry, i suggest you get used to these realms because it's where we all go when we die. And beyond. You've entered what is known as focus 10 in the Monroe Institute for OBE's.

Things first started happening to me around puberty also. I always felt my bed rocking and I thought we were having small earth quakes cause i lived and grew up in southern california.
One day i googled OBE's and stumbled across an astral projection website and read everything thing i could. I realized that the "earthquakes" i was feeling was actually my mind staying awake as my body fell asleep which created a rocking sensation.

When i was 18 I learned how to increase this rocking sensation to enter what you describe as the electricity coursing through your body feeling. This feels like very intense vibrations accompanied by a sound in your head that increases as the electricity/vibrations get stronger and you eventually pop out of your body and fly exactly like you described.

It feels and looks real because it is real. Everything is real. Or everything is fake. Including the physical world. Everything you experience is real (or fake) on some level. It is all decoded by your mind. The physical world is 99.9999% empty space. It's fake, even Einstein said reality was an illusion. So why does it seem real?

What i'm getting at is all levels of experience are created and decoded by your consciousness. In the OBE/dream/astral realms and most likely death realms, everything is thought responsive. You can create anything you want instantly just by thoughts and feelings. If you are scared in these realms you project/attract negative beings or situations.

If you are confident and happy in these realms, you project/attract positive beings or situations.

The head clunking thing... Sometimes that happens to me too. I think it's when my body is so tired it refuses to wake up even if I want to. It turns into a lot of fun actually because I can just keep popping out of body and exploring endlessly.

One time I had so many obe's in a row i thought maybe my body actually did die. I got scared and kept manifesting the weirdest situations after popping out of my body, then getting sucked back and popping out again and manifesting another very weird situation. Im sure it was the fear that caused the weird situations, but not really sure why I couldn't just wake up.

But yeah don't be afraid. It's all about being comfortable and confident and in wonder and amazement. Don't listen to the people that tell you it's dangerous either. They are ignorant and fearful people. I've been doing this for 15 years now and I've never been possessed by a demon. People do this every night they are just unconscious of it usually or can't seem to bring back the memory to the physical.

posted on Dec, 8 2018 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: Lynzer

That's s classic OBE symptoms, which it seems you have scared yourself out of.

posted on Dec, 8 2018 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: booyakasha

You know my take-away from these experiences was to have no fear of death. It felt like it somehow made me aware that I am a soul living in a body, which can be separated from my body. And that knowledge is impactful. I don't want to die....I want to live! I have a lot of good things going on right now. But these OBE's have made me feel okay for one day when I die. I used to be very Christian in my beliefs of after, I don't know. The OBE's did not reveal anything to me regarding afterlife. It just made me realize I am a Soul.

The other person stating this was a night terror, These were not child night terrors. I've never had a night terror.

I agree we make of it what we want. For the most part, all of my experiences were pleasant and interesting. I don't know why the last one went scary. But it did. It sometimes miss these experiences, but it's been a good 15 years since the last one. So it's just something I now contemplate and try to make sense of.

edit on 8-12-2018 by Lynzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2018 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: Lynzer

Many (many) years ago when I was around 17 I had an OBE and it scared me pretty good.
I was wandering around the family home in the dark (because it was 2:25 AM) but I could see VERY well and even began reading the news paper on the dining room table, and that is when I became aware that I wasn't in a dream, and then realized my spirit was separated from my body.

When I knew that, I felt very afraid wondering if I had died, then extreme panic overcame me, and I swore I could hear someone or something unseen say "no! don't be afraid!", which caused even greater panic, and then I involuntarily floated straight up to my second floor bedroom, in right through the door with it closed, and faced myself sleeping in the bed, rotated 180 degrees which increased the terror and reality of it all, then slowly floated back into myself and immediately sat straight up in bed when it was all finished.

I had the feeling I wasn't supposed to have that happen, and it never happened again to this day.

I'll save the experience for after I die.

Yes, the spirit exists, ghosts exist, but I don't see them either. I have experienced other people's spirits though.
edit on 8-12-2018 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2018 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: Lynzer

I have always been a Christian myself, but the OBE didn't change any of that for me. I did of course wonder why it happened to me, and I am still not completely sure, but it could be to just reveal a reality of something that most of the world laughs at.

A lot of things in this life are being done and allowed to test you and help you grow by your natural curiosity to understand. There is no reason in my case to cause me to lose my faith.

And since that time I have been rewarded for never abandoning that faith, and so now it is no longer just faith.

Don't allow any experience to destroy yours.

posted on Dec, 8 2018 @ 11:33 PM
link's the Silver Cord, not the Golden Cord.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 12:31 AM
I have only had one OBE, I was hovering behind myself listening to myself talk at a table and looking around the restaurant. I went back into my body and looked to see what the hell was happening, seeing the people that I had seen during the experience and the truck driver unloading the truck outside the window.

It was like I was seeing through someone elses eyes behind me about six feet, someone standing. The only two standing were the waitress and the bartender. I was disconnected from my body but my body was still talking, making me feel that someone else was in my body at the time. I was on some meds from the accident at the time. I do not know what the hell that was all about, when I got back into my body I was confused, I wasn't sure if I had gotten up so asked if I just sat down and was told I was sitting all along and talking. Weird as hell.

I think I linked to someone's mind somehow and saw what they were seeing. Or I was just doped up on the meds pretty bad. The fact that I saw things I could not see while sitting down kind of confused me at the time, I even got up to see the truck unloading outside, we were on the second floor and you had to be standing to see it.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Ricky M. I had a big time O.,O., B., and what makes mine different is that I witnessed a large gathering of entities watching my travails with my ministering Spirit, who was trying to do a life review on me. Seven years later, I stumbled onto a Genealogical Solution for a big piece of the Nostradamus puzzles in his book. There were two verses pertaining directly to pledges I made to my Ministering Spirit. Today, some forty years later, from that O, O, B. I have made good on two out of the three pledges. So this is what makes mine different from Betty Eadie's and Damion Brinckley's similar experiences. I have corroborating witnesses, which include Nosty, Cayce, and maybe one or two in Homer's Odyssey. Cayce's channel only gave a thumbnail, while Nosty crabbed things so bad, that there never was going to be any paradoxes created from outing earlier prophecies. FWIW, I never experienced that silver thread thingee, which Shirley Maclane wrote about in, "Out on a Limb". But both the ancient Norse's Asgard, and Gilgamesh's "garden of precious stones, are quite real. But for me, they were described as the Deity, and the Spirits of Tara. The Deity floods perfect love, and the Tara anoints with ribbons of righteousness. Different religions have described things in Heaven, each in their own way.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: Lynzer

exactly. No need to fear death. We are infinite beings experiencing a human reality.

In my opinion we have a ton to learn about the astral realms as a species. I think human spirituality has been completely stifled while all our other areas of science have evolved insanely over the last 1000 years.

This is why we see war and human suffering everywhere. It's way past time to start evolving spiritually.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 02:28 AM
a reply to: Lynzer

My question is if you have experienced these things why haven't you researched more about it?
I have had a couple of experiences myself to know that its real, but i have been digging about in this rabbit hole for a couple of years now and on trying a few methods got a result quite quick (rope method) got the experience of my whole astral body starting to shake intensely and i came out cause it was scary, that happened twice, i have lucid dreams now and again also, quite a few as of late happening in a dark void with an unseen force pulling me down, i know I'm in a dream and can decide when to leave but right now im being pulled about by something un the dark, when it pulls me down too fast i come out and I'm wide awake thinking that was cool.
But like i say if you start getting more adept to it apparently the possibilities are endless.
My goals are to take things out my diet like sugar and coffee, and more yoga and meditation, to try and discover thus unseen world with more awareness.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: booyakasha

I think the people that control the information use it to rule, they keep us in the zombie state so that we feel hopeless and in need of them, when actual fact we are omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent in our own minds and can traverse the universe at will... When you add in magick and rituals you can make change in the physical world as well.
The kingdom of God is within you
As within so without... And i guess many other religious texts imply the great powers that lye within.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 02:51 AM

originally posted by: Lynzer
feel like electricity was coursing through my body

Have you ever seen the electricity ? If yes, then did it look like it was surrounded by black smoke ?

Had a awake OOBE once where i saw a shade hooked to my left shoulder blade. i believe the Islamic community calls them Shaitan Jinn.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: booyakasha

About 6 months ago i was working night shift and zoneing out in the lounge area in the dark when i turned round and one of the young people i was looking after was sitting in lotus position with his eyes half closed and bloodshot with goo coming from eyes mouth and nose area, it was like he was under heavy drugs and sedated, then i came out and he was gone, i have heard that we when we are unconscious of the astral world while asleep we appear as zombies to those that can traverse the astral, is this right enough by your accounts.?

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: fusiondoe

originally posted by: Lynzer
I don't know how to describe what happened to me over many I'll just tell my story. I hope other people will know what I'm talking I'm not alone or a freak!

I have always been an empath. I absolutely hate going to any kind of emotional event, like a wedding or funeral (even if I got dragged there and I don't know anyone involved), because I will always pick up and absorb other peoples emotions. It's overwhelming for me. Does this have anything to do with this? I don't know.

Night terrors/nightmares bringing on sleep paralysis.. It is as simple as that.

Nothing to see here folks
edit on Sat Dec 8 2018 by DontTreadOnMe because: trimmed overly long quote Quote Crash Course

Another "know it all" that doesnt know the answer and wants to prevent others from seeking out the answer. Nothing to see here folks. This guy can't even muster up enough of an attention span to follow the most basic forum etiquette, I wouldn't take anything he says too seriously.
edit on 12/9/2018 by 3n19m470 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Lynzer

Just marking for later.

posted on Dec, 9 2018 @ 04:45 PM
Very interesting. I've had this happen, very vivid, definitely real, in fact more memorable than real life, although I felt myself leave my body from my foot. I remember floating about my room then thinking to myself I should look out the window, when I did I noticed the sky was a deep purple. I then floated to the top of my stairs and was going to go down, but heard and felt something very creepy, so freaked out and somehow got back to my body through my foot and woke up.

posted on Dec, 10 2018 @ 12:34 AM
a reply to: ManyMasks

Whoa thats an awesome and weird experience.

I wouldn't say people unconscious of the astral appear as zombies. They act like zombies, not literally, but how people do in this world like you mentioned in your earlier reply. A lot of the time they are just not aware of what is really happening.
There are endless amount of realities in the astral though, i think really anything is possible.

And yea i definitely think the true rulers of this world are far more knowledgable about magik than they allow the people to see.

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