posted on Dec, 8 2018 @ 08:35 AM
The irony here is that we are all supposed to enjoy learning how other peoples celebrate at this time of year, and it is interesting and can even be
fun, but when we, in turn, celebrate the way we celebrate, we are told we can't because those other people do not celebrate that way and it might make
them feel bad.
Why is it we are expected to find it fun and interesting to learn how they celebrate but we cannot expect them to feel the same way about learning how
we celebrate here? There is plenty secular about Christmas now that we don't even have to get into any religious entanglements. Most people think of
candy canes as secular things. I grew up with them as mainly secular decoration that tasted good in my cocoa.
But we can't express our Christmas celebration. We can only learn about other people's mid-Winter celebrations so as not to offend and be inclusive
... by excluding ourselves.