a reply to:
Ha, which is more deadly Pacine or Vodka, Pacine obviously, the Irish used to have and still do among there travelling community street fighters whom
would fight until the Knock Out or stay down Knock Down for a few pennies on almost every street corner over in Eira.
We Brit's were not too different to that at one time and Glasgow was a town of very hard men as were Liverpool, Tyneside and the east end of London,
hard working men whom worked to the day they dropped often in there late 40's until thing's got better.
We are not gone, just sleeping.
Now I for one hate football hooligan's no matter what nation they are from, the attack by Russian hooligan's upon peaceful English family's was a
pure act of Cowardice but I have to say had they met there counterparts from England, Scotland and Wales it would have been a completely different
story and those Russian hooligan's would have been the one's in bandages and yes we know many of them are military in disguise - on there day off.
What angered us in Britain is that we never saw ourselves as your enemy's, in fact my own grandfather was merchant navy and those guy's risked there
lives taking supply's to Russia even though we did not have enough for our own nation, without those supply's provided by the BRITISH your nation
WOULD have fallen to the NAZI's even if you don't think so, those supply's helped your nation while you moved your industry east to the Ural's and
gave you the time and supply's you needed while you rebuilt and regrouped after the German's real objective of WW2 became clear.
Also our soldiers though actually only a small army at the time of the start of WW2 called the British Expeditionary Force or BEF were actually
beyond any shadow of a doubt the very best soldiers of the war, the French lines collapsed because they were mostly part time soldiers and
conscript's, our soldiers on the other hand were Career soldiers though we did bring in some conscription called WAR SERVICE (one of only a handful of
time's we have used conscription) since our army' was too small without it from 1939 onward still we did not have to resort to machine gun toting
commissars shooting men running away from the lines.
All of our soldiers were trained as marksmen, all of them were also trained to use the bren and all the crew's of a tank could do all of the job's
unlike the US model of specialists which sometime's left them handicapped if they lost a member of there team.
Now we all know that HAD Stalin listened too and not murdered half his military officers in his paranoid purges that Russia would have defeated the
German's at the very start of Operation Barbarossa, we also know that he thought of the German's before they turned on him as allies and even allowed
NAZI observers to be placed among his execution squad's as they massacred supposed enemy's of the people (millions of them most of whom were actually
Lenninists rather than Stalinists so disagreed with is personal brand of communism which of course was NOT communism but a form of totalitarianism
under a tyrant) by machine gunning them into mass graves they had forced them to dig themselves and we all know that this technique was later tried by
the NAZI's themselves but they decided it was too costly since it needed lot's of bullet's and lot's of space for all of the mass graves they were
planning to build and instead they invented there own version of concentration camp's with death gas chambers and crematorium's into which as well as
the Jew's, Gypsies and religious minority's they also put many of there Russian POW's.
My personal take on it is this kid, WE all live threescore years and ten give or take at the lord's will, We all have to meet our maker AND WE ALL
HAVE THE SAME ANCESTOR - British, Irish, Russian's, Chinese, Jew's, Gypsies, American's even were the NAZI's are concerned though of course that last
bit is hard to stomach.
There is one race on this planet, ask yourself this if a house divided can not stand then WHO by and for what reason is the human race being kept
constantly divided against itself.
And it take's a coward to hit an unarmed peacefully drinking and eating family man with his wife and kid's over the head with an iron bar leaving the
poor guy brain damaged in an unprovoked attack but like I say had they met there own counterpart's from ANYWHERE in Europe they would have had a
completely different outcome they proved that by choosing soft targets and people whom could not defend themselves a bit like Islamic extremists with
civilian's as there targets eh!.
I remember an interview with an old Eurasian soldier whom had served in the Soviet rank's whom spoke of his first hand to hand killing of a German
conscript, by this time in the war most of the German fully trained soldiers were dead and he reminisced about how stabbing this aging man whom was
probably not a soldier anyway but had been forced into a uniform by the NAZI's as like kneading bread dough.
I am not a fan of the NAZI's, German's are another matter though any of them that like NAZI's I also hate there are plenty among them that despise
that entire generation so they are really today just like you and me.
You want hard men, go back a couple of century's to when life was REALLY hard, to the British Navy which was renowned for kidnapping men and forcing
them into service using what were called press gang's whom would go out among the tavern's of port city's and even into the countryside and into
people's home to take there new shipmates.
Bone's recovered from the Mary Rose depict just how hard life was and just how despicable, a man in his early 20's whose bone's were found showed
that he was so badly injured from having to move the cannon's around the ship the tendons' in both leg's had been ripped apart and calcified - yet he
had to continue working - his bone's showed multiple healed fractures and he like most sailors of that period walked bow legged because his leg's,
back and shoulders were worked so hard there was no cartillage left upon the joint's - he was only in his early 20's remember, meanwhile though
backward and tribal most of the russian population had it much nicer back then.
edit on 5-12-2018 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)