posted on Nov, 21 2018 @ 03:06 PM
So, funding for the creation of this was paid for by NIH. So, you would think this machine should be reasonable to buy for hospitals. I bet the cost
of this scan will be in the neighborhood of twelve grand when you get it done. I am also thinking that it won't be much better since the problem
seems to be that things are missed during scans, or people are not looking in the right place. Complain about a pain near your pancrease and they to
to take pictures of the apendix or say you may have a gall bladder problem on the other side. I think we got problems with people misdiagnosing
things, lack of comprehension by a learning doctor about how to understand side to diagnosis. Upper left side means upper right side, there is some
messing up going on with this when interpretting things I feel. People not completely understanding things about this, viewed from the examiners
point of view things are reversed.