posted on Jul, 5 2003 @ 02:59 PM
hey guys
anyone heard this story about an electrician from south africa who had contacts with aliens from a planet called koldas
check out the page and scroll downa bit
"Then in 1960, before Asket picked Meier up in Switzerland, a South African electrician, Edward F. White, began to have contact with
extraterrestrials who told him they came from an anti-matter or counterpart universe. When they learned to navigate the polarity barrier between the
two universes, they were amazed to discover our life and existence, similar to theirs, in opposite reality, and over time established contact across
the barrier and learned to navigate and explore their antimatter counterpart -- our phenomenal universe. They also learned to communicate across the
barrier and maintained contact with the Earth man by electro-magnetic means, which they carried on for over 25 years. During that time, over 1,000
hours of verbal dialogue was recorded on audio tape and preserved. These experiences are reported in a 305 page illustrated book titled UFO CONTACT
FROM PLANET KOLDAS, A Cosmic Dialogue, authored by Carl van Vlierden."
i wonder where the tapes are??