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Iran girl gets 100 lashes for sex

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posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 01:14 AM
wait so this girl was double teamed?

lol, i'm sorry for laughing at this but first off this girl gets it double time then they go and betray her and themselves. The real question is why did they tell authorities or anything? Was it that sensitive point after double teaming this girl that they felt obligated to go tell authorities they both had just done this girl at the same time.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I'll agree with the abuse of women's rights in Islamic states. Heck, I lived in one for a few years (Saudi) and I've seen it for myself. There are far better examples to illustrate this than this one...

Oh yeah like the stoning death of adultresses who just happened to be raped and its the WOMANS fault. heh Dr. H. why do you insist on twisting the facts to fit your twisted worldview? Anyone with half a mind can see through it
FYI Before going on how "Liberal" I am , I am a Libertarian Green.
Your turn!

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 01:27 AM
She stated, "I filed the case against him and his friend out of revenge." I read this as she was raped and turned in the boys for it. If you research Islam you will see that the punishments are always more severe for women. Islam punishes women for rape. It is that simple. It is a backwards, ignorant religion and there will always be holy wars as long as it is allowed to continue.

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 09:27 AM
there's a thread that's going through the details:

Religion of Peace update...

Check it out and determine if it's the nation that's doing this or the religion. I'm in no position to say but the thread is informative.

[edit on 28-2-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Feb, 28 2005 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by they see ALL
if it is "normal" in Iran, it is normal so leave them alone...

why judge another culture by your own standards???

It is normal for Captain Bligh to give lashings and keelhaulings to his crew, so "leave him alone."

Slavery which is all that such punishments exhibit, is not normal anywhere and at any time. Neither is torture from whatever source which deserves immediate annihilation of the offending parties. Better yet torturers should be made to watch Marx Brothers movies until they drop dead laughing.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 06:17 AM
The picture at the beginning of the thread is one of a stoning. Incidently, in cases of adultery both parties, male and female, are stoned to death. Here's a link that illustrates how brutal being stoned to death is

Supposedly the people being stoned are adulterers.

It's brutal and not good for small children to view so be cautious before clicking the link.

I guess all the parties got off easy with lashes.

[edit on 1-5-2005 by mrfixit]

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
And Amnestiy International calls the US "barberic"?

Oh man not you again....everytime you post something that tries to show the US in some kind of holy light or something...

Yes such acts are REALLY barbaric but what do you expect from a country like Iran? Such things happend already there and will also in the future. And for your information Amnesty International (im a member) also marks iran as barbaric...but like i already stated we are used to such things from there.
AI has every right to call the US barbaric too because you pretend to be the democratic and 'so much advanced' society and you are fact you should be a good example of democratic advantages but in reality you are nothing else than a brainless war machine pretending to be something better. That imho comes pretty close to barbaric dont ya think?

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 07:07 AM
After all the crap that was later proven to be lies, that came out during the time the USA wanted to invade Iraq I have a hard time believing anything. I'm not saying it is not true but the release of this echoes back to the time when we were told of all the abuses in Iraq, many were true but many were not. Where are you getting the info from? If it is mainstream news I know I definitely do not trust it. they are the mouthpieces of corporate America and they those so called journalists are a joke.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Ryanp5555
wait so this girl was double teamed?

I'm not easily offended, but you figured out how to do it, Mr. "Jesus Rocks."

On topic, Religious theocrats (whether in Iran or the GOP) are barbaric monsters. I feel for this woman's suffering just as much as the 13 year old girl in Florida the state is forcing to give birth against her will at risk to her own life.

There's no difference in the monsters that impregnate a 13 year old girl and the ones that force her to carry it and give birth, or the monsters that lash women in the streets of Iran or execute retarded minors in Texas or fly airplanes into buildings full of innocents or invade countries of the same.

All monsters, pointing at each other going see, see, see? Pitiful.

"Jesus Rocks" indeed.
Allah, Jesus and all their bloodthristy, authoritarian, theocratic, mysoginstic, finger pointing, hypocritical followers should just go find a nice hole in a desert somewhere, bury each other up to the necks and while away the final hours of the "endtimes" in a spitting contest the rest of us don't even have to look at.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by RANT
"Jesus Rocks" indeed.
Allah, Jesus and all their bloodthristy, authoritarian, theocratic, mysoginstic, finger pointing, hypocritical followers should just go find a nice hole in a desert somewhere, bury each other up to the necks and while away the final hours of the "endtimes" in a spitting contest the rest of us don't even have to look at.

I couldnt have stated it better...

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 08:06 PM
Amazing to see that many parts of the world still haven't ventured out further than a few feet from the tree. Maybe we should bribe them with bananas so they may stop this and other bizarre practices.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 08:08 PM
and people still complain againts the USA's laws , huh ???

If ppl think that the USA laws are too influenced by religion, take a look VERY GOOD at Iran and other muslim countries...

posted on May, 10 2005 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by RANT
"Jesus Rocks" indeed.
Allah, Jesus and all their bloodthristy, authoritarian, theocratic, mysoginstic, finger pointing, hypocritical followers should just go find a nice hole in a desert somewhere, bury each other up to the necks and while away the final hours of the "endtimes" in a spitting contest the rest of us don't even have to look at.

I couldnt have stated it better...

Yes indeed. Huzzah to RANT, well said.

However, I also have to agree with Goose on this. It does smell awfully like the things used to butter us up before the Iraqi invasion. Rape rooms anyone?

It is another worrying signal. What is ironic is, after a few months of invading Iran we will probably be seeing similar rape videos of Iranian women as we are seeing of Iraqi women now. Faked or not, they are still hateful and vile things and degrading to women in general.

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by RANT
"Jesus Rocks" indeed.
Allah, Jesus and all their bloodthristy, authoritarian, theocratic, mysoginstic, finger pointing, hypocritical followers should just go find a nice hole in a desert somewhere, bury each other up to the necks and while away the final hours of the "endtimes" in a spitting contest the rest of us don't even have to look at.

So, if you're saying Jesus' followers were hypocrites, then you're saying Jesus was not bloodthirsty, authoritarian, theocratic, misoginystic, and finger pointing?

I agree the hypocrites need to snap out of it.

I agree Jesus was authoritarian, theocratic and finger pointing.

I disagree Jesus was bloodthirsty, misoginystic, or hypocritical and would like to discuss these allegations because as I see it right now, they are unfounded.

I disagree that I'm (being a follower of Jesus' teachings and all) bloodthristy, authoritarian, theocratic, mysoginstic, finger pointing, and/or hypocritical in practice.

Now, what does this have to do with punishment in Iran again?

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