posted on Nov, 7 2018 @ 03:18 PM
New member: Graysen
longtime lurker, with primary interest in conspiracy theory, fragile earth, and survival fora.
I read politics and cultural/social issue threads, but refrain from commenting because its all like listening to a bagpipe concert. You have to be in
the right mood for it. Additionally, I look at politico-cultural movements as sort of like glaciations of successive ice ages: change is painfully
slow; and it's all so hugely larger than I am that I really cannot have any impact on it, I just have to deal with its impact on my own life.
Conspiracy goes further toward explaining the people who control our society (who have controlled all societies, for that matter. A lot of the
elites' conspiratorial actions are not about assassinations (usually), but are more focused on control of markets. In an open society, they cannot
control your behavior, so they must settle for controlling your thoughts.
I'm also interested in the collapse of complex societies. This is due to the fact hat I am a member of such a society. Every civilization prior to
ours has gone extinct, although the individuals and populations involved often survive such collapses.