posted on Nov, 7 2018 @ 06:38 AM
Well, let me tell you a little about myself. I am 62 and have had several careers in those years. My most memorable was being a high school teacher
and a college instructor. I loved teaching and it was so rewarding, sharing and giving knowledge to young people was like a high in its self, and most
teachers know what I am talking about. I was a truck driver for many years before going to college and it too was a great time, seeing a lot of
America's rural areas and my interaction with many different people across the country. I love spending time with my grandkids. I am a father with 2
daughters and 1 son. They have given me 4 grandkids, 3 boys and 1 very special little granddaughter. My favorite topics are computers, history,
writing, listening to a wide array of music, hiking and searching for and eating wild edibles, I guess you could say I am easy living, open-minded and
when a news story or topic strikes up a passion in my soul, I will defend or oppose it, then Game On. Everyone here will learn more about me as time
moves on. So HELLO and Have a Great Day.
edit on 7-11-2018 by Earth2leo because: Wanted to change the content of my post.