posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 08:53 PM
Well to answer the deeper context of this thread, and not the superficial, which is "is there a god?"
I don't care if you think you're an atheist
I'm telling you there is a god...
The problem is we all try to define "it" as something.
I say there is a god with unwaivering scientific knowledge, that no matter what, there is something we will have to CALL god.
Hell one of them is the "god particle" also known as the higgs particle...the theorized if not proven sub-atomic particle that gives mass to
So maybe some religions will be disappointed, and God might just be some "function" of the universe.
But whatever it is it has to be more than us, because we're apart of the system, not beyond it.
In total, I will say God is "infinite" which is why it doesn't matter what "created him", for obvious reasons.
This is an opinion so you know...just a strongly thought out one
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[Edited on 10-7-2003 by FreeMason]