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How Do I Discuss Politics With Zombies?

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posted on Nov, 4 2018 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: ABNARTY

Make sure that you do not get sucked in and become an opposing zombie. There are zombies on both the sides.

They do not listen to reason, they are driven by their polarized beliefs.

posted on Nov, 5 2018 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: seagull

I am not above positive adjustment.

Perhaps "How Do I Exchange Anything Of Cognitive Value With Those Unwilling or Unable to Respond With Something More Than a Shriek or Defamatory Comment?" Granted this title is too long but we do not insult Zombies along the way.

posted on Nov, 5 2018 @ 03:56 PM
We all get a little carried away with emotion about politics. On here I've said hate a number of times about things.

Generally what I usually meant was dislike. When things get heated and someone else uses hate, I change that in my head to dislike. They're just overly emotional.

You can't change someone's mind or give them new information to chew on by yelling at them or ranting at them. You have to ask them questions and answer some of theirs. As I've learned here, some are open enough for that, but many will never be.

posted on Nov, 5 2018 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: ABNARTY

Well, there ya go. That is a long title...

As long as you don't insult the zombies, we'll be OK.

posted on Nov, 5 2018 @ 05:08 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: Agree2Disagree

I like to use discussion to ferret out my own thoughts on a matter.

Its become difficult beyond belief to do this as everyone just follows the narrative of their personal choice of media. And I often feel that my input is like casting pearls before swine. Its just not a very fulfilling endeavor.

I'm with ya, Big guy. But when it goes awry----boy oh boy. The other evening in the bar I was approached by a professor at the local U and asked about a local race. Knowing all of the candidates for that race I began by stating that I think they are all good men, that any one of them would do a good job. That was all it took! He grabbed the three hairs left on his head and began to yank at them and screech about how could I even believe that. My response was that I've known all of them all my life and until this race I'd never anyone make any claims that they were crooked or dishonest. (With the exception of an ex-wife of one, this is true. I don't base my vote on what ex-wives say even though I am an ex-wife with plenty to say about my ex.) This guy is a PhD. I've known him since he was my husband's student and although he needed a lot of help to get through his bachelor's I never considered him to be stupid until that display. I sat there wondering if the problem was alcohol consumption---didn't know how many he'd had before he approached me. I'd had none so maybe my impulse control was better. Upon realizing that he had no real contribution to make to a discussion I politely told him that perhaps we could agree to disagree on the local elections. That just fueled his fire. He was standing there screeching at me---a little old lady sitting at the bar drinking her sweet tea and just having a break with a couple of friends. Yep, you guessed it he was escorted out of the bar and it was MY fault that the bouncer laid hands on him. Bat-spit crazy.
AND, he may have learned something from the encounter since the bar manager told me that she was banning him from the bar. Apparently I wasn't his first victim.
Moral of the story: Sometimes you don't realize how debilitated they are until you engage with them.

posted on Nov, 5 2018 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: amazing

That is part of what I am saying.

Saying I "hate" or "love" someone I have never met seems like a stretch. All I am asking for is a little more reasoning. I got it we are all a human sack of emotion. But with some effort we can do better.

I really like the idea if asking questions or answering theirs. It's almost like a discussion

Getting screamed at or getting called names probably just pushed people further away. It alienates folks further from your cause. It also stands a good chance of people starting to link craziness with your cause.

I appreciate the feedback.

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