posted on Oct, 31 2018 @ 10:11 AM
Eventually, the Russians came around to our way of thinking, on their nukes, and their modern ones reflect this, but the vast majority of their
arsenal is way past obsolete, and a good deal of it (and the delivery mechanisms) are no longer functional. But, it's a closed society, so the degree
of this is going to be largely hidden and guarded. We've got a pretty good idea though.
My bet, Russia is in no position to actually wage a nuclear war or even a massive retaliatory strike...but I'm in no hurry to test that bet. Neither
is anyone else, I'm guessing. China, on the other hand, is a different story. Newer nukes and delivery mechanisms than Russia, but many still
obsolete. Again though, nobody is eager to test this.
Thing is, most of us grew up thinking that a nuclear war was unsurvivable, and this really isn't the case. I'm in no rush to be among the survivors of
one, but it isn't going to be the end of the human race like many of us grew up thinking, especially those of us who grew up during the Cold War.
We've been told a LOT of falsehoods (nuclear winter being the main one).