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“Transabled” People Become Disabled on Purpose to Make Them Happy

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posted on Oct, 29 2018 @ 06:59 PM
A healthy person believing they're actually disabled dffers from a woman believing she should be a man in what way, exactly? We need to stop normalizing and appeasing mental illness and aggressively treat it instead.

posted on Oct, 29 2018 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: Necrobile

Hugs!? :-)

I'm normally thoughtful and respectful of others, but I guess I was as the kids these days say 'triggered!'. Now I've chilled I see there is more common ground between us and 1/2 hour ago I was cussing about you in the kitchen. I've been quite humbled, thanks for letting me pull my head in.

You are right, its a touchy subject for me - one faulty ladder at work changed everything in my life. Any career choice I ever wanted in life became impossible to achieve.
It grinds you down and I often just sit and watch a clock while depression and certain thoughts nag at me.
That was a tough sentence to write and admit.

I just don't understand why some people want my kind of 'lifestyle' as if it's some kind of choice? What weird and terrifying world.

posted on Oct, 29 2018 @ 07:15 PM
So its fine and dandy to classify THIS as a mental disorder but not transgenderism? Anyone care to explain that please? Body integrity disorder...doesn't that cover transgender exactly and clearly? Or are we going to have to accept these people also and what they "identify" with and hand out disability payments for self inflicted issues? When oh when will this idiocy stop?

posted on Oct, 29 2018 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

Interesting point, but I'd suspect the people on both sides of the issue are probably on the same page with either not accepting of or very accepting of both life choices/conditions.

But there's probably a very very small minority of these minorities when it makes sense. Perhaps someones arm has an as yet unknown condition which has ruined how the body processes their arms nerves? Perhaps someones brain really did develop another sexual identity? I think this is possible, but I'm thinking it's like less than 0.1% of the people who claim these identities. I think much of the transgenders are merely a way for people to fit in and join a group while dealing with hormones that gets them attention, these disability seekers are also craving attention....

Perhaps if we had more real communities and got off the hollow world of electronic text, these people would not feel the need to go to such lengths to be recognized as humans and given a more real experience of life and love.

However, I think these people are mostly suffering from mental disorders which with help and time can be recognized as such and helped before they get out of hand. I think perhaps a big CME from the sun that wipes out all electronics of the world would give us a few years to clear some heads and we'd notice positive healthy changes.

posted on Oct, 29 2018 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: Qumulys
You are right, its a touchy subject for me - one faulty ladder at work changed everything in my life. Any career choice I ever wanted in life became impossible to achieve.
It grinds you down and I often just sit and watch a clock while depression and certain thoughts nag at me.
That was a tough sentence to write and admit.

I completely understand, I will say this and then stop to let the thread continue on it's proper course. I was hit by a car when I was 2, suffered some bad brain damage, extreme motion-sickness and random migraines for 37 years. When I was a kid my dad worked for McDonnell Douglas, and my dream was to fly jets and work my way up to be an astronaut. To give you an idea of how bad my motion-sickness is, I can't even swing on a swing set without getting sick. I had to let go of that dream as a young child, so I understand that feeling.

posted on Oct, 29 2018 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: Necrobile

I've often thought about how bad that must be believe it or not! There's a link in my bio I've had for a few years about Sophie Delezio, a thread I made about a young Australian girl who was tragically run over by a car as a kid... twice... Both with massive injuries occurring and burns, but she just took on her disability and made the best of her circumstances. I wish I had her heart and determination.
She is inspiring but I've not checked up on her for a few years because I'll be honest, she makes me feel like I should try harder at life!
Maybe have a look into how far "POV RC planes" have come, you can pop on a helmet and fly from a position of terra-firma. Although some get motion sick just from the video helmet/glasses thingy....

I guess the lesson of this thread is there are all sorts of disabilities.

edit on 29-10-2018 by Qumulys because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2018 @ 09:34 PM
I demand this handicapped spot even though I CHOSE this procedure that crippled me!

Another sign of glutenous decadence similar to the Fall of Rome. There seems no bounds to the depravity to which people will sink.

This is kind of offensive to me as I know people who are truly disabled and would love to be ambulatory or have full function of limbs. I was part of a charity that raised $ & awareness for people with severe handicaps often by having "empathy" seminars where people are put into a temporary situation where they experience the limitations that disabled people live with on a daily basis. It is very enlightening and makes you appreciate how miraculous some of these "disabled" people are and for someone to choose this seems like a mockery in many ways to people with true disabilities.

It's like a transsexual complaining about how small, strange, big, etc their sex organs are (post transition) merely to draw attention to their situation.

posted on Oct, 29 2018 @ 09:36 PM
Can a person ruin their vision intentionally and then collect benefits b/c they can't find a job? Can they get gov assistance for housing, a seeing eye dog, reading for the blind, custom printed books (expensive) in braile all because they demand it and feel entitled? I hope not.

posted on Oct, 29 2018 @ 10:04 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
A healthy person believing they're actually disabled dffers from a woman believing she should be a man in what way, exactly? We need to stop normalizing and appeasing mental illness and aggressively treat it instead.

I watched a documentary about BID (Body Identity Disorder) and was blown away by this kind of dysphoria.

One person actually froze his leg to the point that it had to be amputated. He had to go to that extreme because no doctor would remove his perfectly healthy limb.

Another felt she should be blind. Her dysphoria over the way she thought her body SHOULD be was so debilitating that she obsessed about it till something was finally done. I can't remember now whether it was by her own hand or a doctor's.

They say the dysphoria becomes overwhelming to the point they are willing to go through major surgeries to attain the body they think they are supposed to have.

Other than this strange symptom of this mental illness, these people are otherwise normal it seems.

posted on Oct, 29 2018 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: Necrobile
a reply to: dug88

I believe in reincarnation, and there are times I've wondered if people like this are still connected to a previous life and can't get over the fact that they're in a new one. For example, I remember reading about a man who really felt like he shouldn't have a right arm, so he staged an accident that was severe enough to need it amputated. The only "logical" reason I could think of was that he was still attached to a previous life where he lived without that arm, which is why it felt foreign for him to have it in the first place.

And when people say that about the process of chopping off a penis or mutilate a vagina, they are called haters.

It's all about the body image and the brain not accepting the reality of their situation. Instead of therapy they find doctors willing to reinforce the root problem.

posted on Oct, 30 2018 @ 03:19 AM
Absolutely not a Millennial thing, folks. My late grandmother lived in senior housing and had a few of these crackpots come through there over the years before ending up in ALFs or nursing homes.
Oddly, she said the sanest self-disabler was an old woman who blinded herself with acid (don't know which type) decades ago, because the world "revolted" her and she literally didn't want to look at it anymore. Aside from blinding herself deliberately, she said she was a rather pleasant person to be around.
One gentlemen cut his foot off with a chainsaw in his youth. Deliberately. She said he was one of the creepier ones, he left a "heebie jeebies mark" on her.

Edit: To clarify the "youth" part, what my grandmother called one's youth was their 20's. She was weird that way with terminology.
edit on 10/30/2018 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2018 @ 05:30 AM
It is said that the human condition craves 'love' in their lives.....

But i believe there is a certain section who rather wallow in 'pity' and 'empathy'.

edit on 30-10-2018 by eletheia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2018 @ 05:46 AM
Around here it's common for people to walk in front of a vehicle to get disability. A month in the hospital and money forever!! It happens i would say every week. $$$$$

posted on Oct, 30 2018 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: Mark08
Another Liberal group that will claim to be victims and need handouts. And receive special status. Bring back the sanitoriums.

Dude transgenderism is legit and so is transabledism. They aren't mental disorders. And if you say they are you are a racist homophobe.

These people have big feelings man, we all need to just accept them for who they are so they don't cry. By the way you need to also refer to these transabled people as simply disabled people or else you are a xenophobic homophobic Trump supporting racist.

posted on Oct, 30 2018 @ 09:14 AM
Honestly... these people need to be committed to a mental ward... for the safety of others if not their own.

posted on Oct, 30 2018 @ 08:19 PM
Some people are just nuts and the craziest people always get our attention. We also live in a world full of one-uppers so it only gets worse. It wont be long until medical reports claiming that God (or nature for the athiests) messed up and these people should have been born disabled followed by how I'm somehow an "ist" for making fun of them.

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