posted on Jul, 28 2019 @ 11:13 PM
I guess I'll just reveal a little bit of it right now, and then I'm going to go chill out (or try to) for the night.
I was living in Colorado, had a great job at Comcast, moved in with this wonderful beautiful blonde woman into a huge house, was starting to pay my
meager debts to the few people that did help me and fix my bank accounts, thought I had a new life.
Well, this woman I've known for almost 30 years from Jr high and High school, she was has been ranting about how horrible I am (though I've been nicer
to her than anyone in my life, and I'm a really nice soft-spoken gentle person that always puts others first) and she was saying I need to be
"eliminated once and for all" though I hadn't even spoke to this woman in 4 years. She rants about me daily apparently and it's bad, she's on TV
talking about me, giving speeches at these huge events saying I'm the devil, etc.
Anyways she put a completely bogus felony charge on me and lied so they put me as a fugitive from justice although I never even been to where she
lives - and a few months later the cops come to my house and arrest me and then after a month extradite me from Colorado halfway across the country to
face this stupid charge.
Nevermind that I was never a fugitive, nevermind that I never actually broke the law or met any of the elements of the crime, I still lost 3 months of
my life to this in jail!! And this huge redneck guy with the mentality of a 12 year old got super pissed that I told him "Tommy I have a RIGHT to
disagree with you!" and he pummeled me and stomped on my back breaking my spine. He weighs like 350 lbs of pure muscle and I'm like under 150.
This all over a Facebook post!!! All I did was post to her on Facebook saying "Please stop threatening me and having your friends make threatening
phone calls! I forgave you for everything in the past, I forgave you for my wife leaving me, so please forgive me for your husband leaving you. I got
a new job, a new home, a new gf, a new life and I moved on! Please try to move on and find happiness in your life. I'll be your friend if you need one
but you need to stop being a drama queen and lying about everything defaming my character!"
I didn't even threaten anyone or anything, I was begging her to leave ME alone and stop all this madness, and she was so pissed I was living with this
amazing woman and had turned my life around so she filed this totally bogus charge for 'harassing her on the internet' and they somehow got this
warrant trumped up to a felony AND somehow labeled me as a fugitive from justice although Federal law states I'm not a fugitive cuz I never was
anywhere in their jurisdiction (18 USC § 3182 states extradition isn't allowed unless you're a 'fugitive' and a fugitive is someone who commits a
crime in a certain jurisdiction and then flees from prosecution, and it specifically says that I had to be Physically present there and that
'constructive presence isn't allowed' (like letters, phone calls, or internet posts aren't suffice to be considered present there)).
Anyways, she didn't even respond to me she just filed this insane charge and I paid the price by losing my whole life and getting this unbelievable
injury that will last my whole life and the Dr says I might be paralyzed one day because it's degenerative. I swear to God I didn't threaten her or
anything. I was being NICE and KIND and trying to calm her down and get her to think positively and to work through her divorce with forgiveness and
My attorneys think that it'll be an easy charge to beat purely on the jurisdiction argument and federal law but omg these things take months just to
get a hearing on the subject because the grand jury hasn't even decided if there's enough evidence to indict me yet (and from what I understand
they'll indict anyone even without any real evidence just cuz). But we'll see.
I should be thankful because my twin brother who's never given me a dime in his whole life, and probably doesn't like me at all, finally bailed me out
for 5000 last week and I got a bus ride to my grandma's house in Texas and she's letting me stay here a little bit. I have to appear in court on Sept
6th so have to go back to Tennessee.
This woman is really rich, a millionaire and is a co-founder of a huge organization and knows the Governor, various representatives, all these judges
and prosecutors personally because she's a socialite, her X husband's dad is some huge real estate mogul in Houston, and he was a stock broker. So
she's got all this clout and money and is using and abusing it to "punish me" for basically telling her to grow up and get a life and that I was with
this other woman.
One really positive thing is that I'm talking to my Xwife again and am going to get to see my kids soon, and they are doing great, my kids are top
students in school making 100s, my daughter is a delegate at her church to the national convention and she's a piano player and sings for the ministry
and gets all these cheers and whistles cuz she's actually good, she's the class president and head of the student council and is 15 now and dates the
preacher's son who is a really quiet, intelligent, good kid. So I'm THANKFUL for this absolutely!
But this charge this woman put on me is trumped up completely, I'm facing 6 to 15 years in prison over a FACEBOOK POST that I didn't even say anything
mean or threatening in!!!!!
Ahhhh my back....
This is just the beginning of the BS I'm facing.
I have all these other battles I'm facing legally (none of them are criminal in nature) but still. I need like 9 lawyers to fight all these things and
I'm just overwhelmed and getting my rear kicked mentally, emotionally, physically, and Spiritually. I just can't seem to recover and a whole new
ordeal develops. I can't escape.
I keep trying my best to just stay strong and fight these heinous lies because I know in my Heart I did right and I'm a good person and I believe I'll
eventually win but this will take years and I simply cannot afford this, I have a few dollars omfg. I'm going to apply for disability on Monday and
see if I can get other assistance but that could take months, I'm trying to find an injury lawyer to seek compensation for this spinal injury because
I'm out of action now I can't even lift 5 pounds or roll over in bed without excruciating pain.
When the Truth finally comes out I know I'll be vindicated but omg will I even survive until then? I can't even see what tomorrow holds for me all I
know is that I can't give up and no matter how hard it is I need to Love myself enough to just do my best and pray that God will lift me out of this
I can't believe this was all over a Facebook post omfg!!!! There's nothing legitimate about it at all. And this woman's been active in the legislature
for years with some wacky organization trying to get it made into a felony to 'make unwanted posts on someone's facebook' - and the lawmakers actually
keep shooting her down - yet because she knows the detective and the magistrate personally (they are good friends and in pics together) they were able
to contrive that I was a fugitive - now I have to show all my bank records, phone gps data, work hour stubs, rent checks, and get witnesses etc to
prove I was in Colorado the entire time - which is easy but it just takes months to get these records and file them with the court! So I was trapped
in a box for 3 months waiting, facing 15 freaking years over NOTHING!!!!