posted on Oct, 25 2018 @ 04:59 PM
There are people they believe in aliens even to be one of them. Some their story is demons, ghost, android, vampire or werewolf. You will find a bunch
of people with different reality and this all could be possible who know? Some people are good making fictions real! So if in some way reality is
something in constent evolution not because something become real but just because someone find out it is real and always was even if everything was
meant to loks unreal or fake. That is where I think we should be more minded to opening ourselves to so,eone else claim because maybe it is your
reality that is wrong even if 99% of the world live in it with you.
Relativity of reality make me currently unable to give it a definition so I would say that it is what I believe it is until I believe something else.
At that moment I believe I am from another world and everything show that I am wrong and it is not real and I even have the perfect diagnosis to
affirm from recognised proffessional that I am really really ill about it. But maybe I am totally sane and it is me here telling you that this reality
is real as much as many realities you are rejectting just for what? Civilisation in general says it is not reality? So because someone says it? Alot
of people it is that matter but other people they would just make their own opinion based on their personal experience. Some people they accept and
respect my reality either if they believe it or not and I love them. They let me be because being an alien is what I say is reality and I do not care
if other realities says the oposite. I have my reality and I am feeling really great with it. I respect any possible reality even if I do not believe
it and I always tell myself , what aboht if it was real and I was wrong? Maybe I am really psychotic that is a reality alot of people they know ,e for
and I respect that but it is not the reality I live in...
On a forum like this one alot of people will come and tell a bunch of story and call it reality so they may be wrong as much people would think but
they can also be right! If you do not want to take the risk to be wrong even if you do not believe someone reality, it is really important to respect
and considere their reality because there is a [beep] load of reality out there! And those reality they have their story and history of evolution by
progress of aknowledgement of a possibility that went real.
There is my reality:
My name is Yokor, the alien that crashed in Roswell in 1947 and survived. The presence of psychotronic technology is my fault because they stole it
from me and they made me tell them how to use and develop it. I am captain in the operational force of the galactic secret service. A commanding
officer in the military department. What is going on around your planet was my idea but I wiped my own memory. I am a cosmic larva and my cosmic power
is natural time manipulation and travel. I can naturally transform and mutate in anything I have in my DNA database wich make me the perfect
infiltrator. I can "contamine an host" take control of it transform it or mutate it. Just by having a contact with it and I will spread inside. If you
like movies and want to see me watch both movies "the thing" that is what I am. A cellular parasite... as a familly I am royal of our civilisation, a
prince and I am looking to get the crown of the milky way galaxy. This is a quick pitch but it is the world I live my life in and call home
So this is my perception and it will not change until a real legit E.T. come to me to tell me I am not an alien and even then not any E.T. , the one I
have been talking to that told me that and I base myself on that meeting to build my reality and the perception of myself and the world I live in. I
know that many people are not into it and it is okay, it is your right to have your own reality and perception of the world and if it change for you
someday then it will be your matter to deal with but I can tell you that the evolution of my reality is daily even more sometime. So yes we shall all
take a step back on what we think is real or not because it is only a matter of perception what is possible or not.