posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 02:17 AM
All myths and legends are based off of reality. Its like the game "telephone", as time passes, the stories become more convoluted.
That dragons existed is not really debatable in my opinion. After all, we have komodos! LOL
Truly the simple answer is that they are merely dinosaurs. If you take away the mysticism you can then see how they existed. They could breath fire
because they had that capacity. When the earth was newly forming the atmosphere was full of gases, and any creature living in that environment would
need to breathe and exhale it.
Perhaps over time as the earth cleared up, they developed a new way of breathing the oxygen, but still had all the parts to do the fire... as we
breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon, its possible they exhaled gas, and perhaps they had fleshy folds that were narrow enough as they vibrated from
the exhale, they allowed a spark to occur...
as far is it being news - our government wont even admit aliens exist - what makes you think they would admit dragons did, if they could hide the
knowledge from the populace.