posted on Oct, 23 2018 @ 10:54 AM
My first account used an email I no longer have access to, and was made some 14+ years ago. So here I am again!
First things first, I've been a paranormie since I was a wee grasshopper, starting in the early 90s when I had a series of night-terrors where I was
chased by aliens, ending with my first lucid dream in which my father recommended I try to see myself as a soldier or superhero in my dream, which
worked. I fought off the beings in their home base, but was forever changed.
I became obsessed with unsolved mysteries and sci-fi novels, and in my early teenage years, we got our first 14.4k modem. The internet opened the
gates further, and by my early 20's I stumbled on this very site, and have lurked here ever since. I made a few short posts on my old account, but
never made a big splash, prefering to use this site as a jumping-off point for various research efforts.
Since then I've had many experiences, physical and spiritual, but found that even in its early days this site had a number of people whose first
response to claims was often "go to a psych and get checked". While I agree that a degree of mental health advice should be prominent when dealing
with a conspiracy forum, it does also dissuade those of us who feel we have something to contribute but don't want to be heckled into oblivion. It
can be hard enough to share things with those you trust and love, and even harder when you know the first responses are going to be attacks on your
So why am I posting now? Well, I have a lot thicker skin than I used to, but I've also seen this site have a rather large shift in ideology, largely
in the political sense. I might end up telling my stories someday, but mostly I just want to be more open in commenting on other posts. For now, a
warm hello, and I hope to hear from you all soon.