posted on Feb, 25 2005 @ 05:46 AM
The Club is based in San Francisco, to become a member there is a $10,000 fee. Most of the members are from the State of California, but they also
have out of state members, and members in other countries, such as the top ambassador in Greece. The members of the club are allowed to go to the
clubhouse whenever they want. Wheras the Grove is merely the summer camp of the club. They have been holding these for over 100 years. Members of the
Bohemian Club will invite their friends over to the Grove, many of them big names like George Bush and A W. Clausen. These guests seem to have some
sort of membership to their camps, such as the Hillbillies, which is where the Bush's stay. Being a member of one of these camps isn't mmebership to
the club. See my Bohemian Grove article on the same site.