posted on Oct, 19 2018 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to:
Yeah it's a full face coverage. I've lost 26 pounds this year so far. From the way she can remember it, she woke up and just noticed I wasn't
breathing...somehow. It's kind of spooky, surely she wasn't just watching me sleep right? I never got a call from the pacemaker lab so
I'm confident there were no serious abnormal rhythms that night.
I'm thinking the same thing in that her getting my attention by voice or nudging me really wouldn't bring me out of...whatever I was speculating
that was.
Definitely need another sleep study that's for sure. Every time I tell the doctor's about seeing the color violet/purple with my eyes closed as I'm
going into, in between, or coming out of sleep they all give me the look of..."Um, what?"
It's also 'possible' I have narcolepsy without cataplexy 'or something similar' as I can go into REM sleep in less than a minute sometimes, but
have never had the loss of muscle tone and collapse while conscious ' however I have felt it in the dream state but that's not a very reliable recall
and can be confused or mistaken with sleep paralysis as well.' Thanks for all the input.
edit on 19-10-2018 by Gumerk because: