posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 03:01 PM
Hello everyone! I'm an aerospace engineer, do mostly systems and structural design. I've always been interested in conspiracy theories, paranormal
stuff, aliens, etc. Got some experiences I can share. I guess most of my interest started with my grandmother. She was big into psychic stuff and
reincarnation. She used to always ask me what my name was when I was a kid, hoping that I'd remember a previous life. I've been a long time lurker
on these forums. Didn't really feel like I had anything worth sharing until recently. I've been having some insane deja vu experiences that I'd
like some input on. Probably should save that for a separate. Anyway, I'm glad to be here and just want to say hi and thanks for everyone that has
posted on here. Lots of good information and interesting threads!