posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to:
You do not need a book to tell you who you are, what you were, how or does transfermation perspire. They are fun, mysterious, questionable,
scientific, real or fictional stories.
You are the guidance to your beliefs, not one person is the same, we are all snowflakes, no snowflake is alike down to crossed Is & dotted Ts.
I believe sitting out in nature, walking it, playing with sticks, watching animals, insects etc. will help anyone have a better understanding of life
of this planets life forms & oneself.
Remember, buildings & technology are mans creation, so if you want to get out of that perspective of go to space & just live in the moment we have
been given on earth to cherish this unlimited supply of food & water planet, get out to where we came from to where other life forms do not care about
your money or torturing life forms for their own benifit.
In the end, your the only one that knows your thoughts, feelings & beliefs. Find them & you will find yourself.
Do not go crazy looking for them though, we all know what the rabbit hole of social media, media entertainment, technology etc. does to ones mind,
very confusing haha