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The Tour

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posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 06:49 AM
"We are now phasing into the year 2001 where we will observe the attack on the Twin Towers. It is now safe to release your harness and move over to the viewing window."

"If you look to the right you can see the first plane coming right by us. The 9/11 attacks are still considered to be the single deadliest terrorist attack in the history of the United States."

The group consisting of a dozen people watches as the first plane collides into the side of the North Tower, erupting into a ball of fire followed by a large plume of smoke and dust.

"Approximately 15 minutes from now the second hijacked plane will impact the southern facade of the South Tower" the guide calmly informs the group.

A young girl watches with wide eyes, turning to her mother she asks with a concerned tone: "Why did people back then hate each other so much?"

Before her mother can answer a man standing on the edge of the group pulls out something resembling a gun which appears to be made entirely of a plastic-type material.

"Ok everybody just remain calm, I'm taking control of this craft!" the man says with a stern but unsure tone. "Tell the pilot if he even thinks of phasing everyone dies!"

"Sir please, just lower your weapon and we can discuss your concerns rationally" the guide begs while trying to maintain her composure.

"How can you people just stand there and watch this? We can easily stop the next plane before anyone else dies and that's exactly what we're going to do!" the man demands.

"Nothing we do here will change anything in our time line, you will simply create a new time line where the attack didn't happen" the guide explains to the hijacker.

"I don't care, that's good enough for me, those are still real people out there and I'm going to do something to help them!" the man shouts hysterically.

"So it's ok to put our lives at risk in order to save them? Please... this will not end well for anyone, just stop before anyone gets hurt."

"I am trying to stop anyone else getting hurt, I'm not the one who gets off on watching this crap, just-" the man is interrupted as another passenger tackles him to the ground.

A scuffle ensues as other passengers attempt to pry the weapon from the hands of the hijacker. "Initiate forward phase now!" the guide screams towards the pilots cockpit.

The pilot makes some adjustments on a touch screen control panel and hits a switch. A low humming noise gets louder and passengers watch as events outside the window begin to speed up.

The second plane flies into the South Tower as if in fast forward. Suddenly a loud explosion echoes through the craft, the weapon misfires as passengers struggle to confiscate it.

The bullet ricochets off the smooth metallic ceiling of the craft and penetrates the control panel in the cockpit, missing the pilot by no more than a few inches.

The pilot furiously swipes and taps the control panel but quickly realizes his efforts are futile. "Everybody into the emergency escape pod, we're going down!" yells the pilot.

"More breaking news now, reports of a third attack are coming in. Terrorists have targeted the Pentagon building in yet another attack, at this time details are still limited."

"Sources are reporting a fast moving object, possibly another plane or missile, has impacted the West side of the building, we'll keep you updated as we get more information."
edit on 15/10/2018 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 06:57 AM
Now that was original !! A different time line ... I do believe is correct... S^F

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: 727Sky

Thanks! It isn't really something I've seen in a movie or story before, that's why I thought it would make such a great story. I could probably write a whole novel revolving around this idea of humans from the future traveling into the past to observe and learn from it. obviously the idea was inspired by some of my recent threads on the link between UFO's and time travel. This is just my depiction of what I imagine it would be like if true. I had the basic groundwork for the story but the 9/11 thing didn't come to me until last night, when it did I knew I had to write a short story.

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

It is weird how stories come to us... I can sit down with nothing to write and end up writing pages if I get into the story.. but usually the stories are just for myself when the internet goes out !! Like I said or meant to say I enjoyed you thoughts and it was a well written story

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

That was really cool

God I love time line stuff.

posted on Oct, 15 2018 @ 10:57 AM
Just a little explanation of the ending in case it's not totally obvious, the craft collides with the Pentagon building. For those saying "the Pentagon isn't near the Twin Towers", well lets just say when the control panel was hit the craft was moving erratically and and it warped over to the Pentagon, since that was a destination pre-programmed into the craft, then fell to Earth at a high speed. This was a really nice ending imo because there are conspiracies about how they quickly cleaned up all the remains of the craft which impacted the Pentagon before anyone could see it and they confiscated all the security camera footage from nearby buildings. Also I've heard people say there's no way a passenger plane could create such a large hole in the Pentagon building since it's walls were designed to take heavy impacts, but a craft moving at an unconventionally high velocity could.
edit on 15/10/2018 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 01:26 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Wow, I was on the edge of my seat! I love time lines type movies and stories! Good job!

posted on Oct, 16 2018 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: Night Star

Thank you, I've been wanting to write some sort of story involving time travel for a while now but didn't really have any good ideas until now. I wanted it to be different from what we usually see and I wanted it to feel realistic, hopefully I achieved that.

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

You did indeed. Keep writing!

You should enter this month's writing contest!
edit on 18-10-2018 by Night Star because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2018 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: Night Star

I have participated in the writing contest once before but it's not really my thing because I'm not good at coming up with ideas very quickly. The short story forum is actually my second most used forum (with 24 threads) behind the science forum (with 47 threads). For those who enjoyed this story I would also recommend a short story I wrote back in 2016 titled The Presentation. It's done with a very similar approach to this story but it's about a future where our virtual assistants have highly advanced artificial intelligence.
edit on 18/10/2018 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)


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