These two twins have a fully functioning head brain heart lungs throat and spine each , but incredibly , share their body .
The questions their existence raises are dumbfounding in number . You're presented with new , complete anomalies in so many areas including legal and
social understandings , almost as if they are meant to be here to make us ask better questions and to know more .
Having browsed the comments on the tube , it's material to show here , hopefully to our more deeply considered members , to gain further insight into
what it really means that this can happen .
Some utube comments are not suitable - don't make them here . Its never going to happen for you - so quit dreaming . They can drive , play sports ,
and having grown up since this they now are teachers !
Amongst the comments some profound points are raised , some claim that their existence is one the signs of God , both Christian and Muslim . Some were
glad they only had the one head in charge of their body , a lesson enough in being humbled , and itself a cause of awe
More than one comment asserted that they are one body with two heads , although the correct view is that they are two individual people who share one
body . Thinking about this unique truth may leave people in speechless wonder , but let's hear if you can enunciate .
Watching the video and comprehending the reality of Abigail and Brittany is an intense and lasting experience for anyone who can empathize with their
lives , creating deep affectation for some, if not most . It's definitely worth seeing what they've allowed us to see and we can certainly learn from
their life , even though medical science has been disallowed from the intense studies it would otherwise undertake .
One comment which really hit a mark was "Do they have two souls?" A superlative question , for the fact that it's the only conclusion you can reach
Another claimed that lasting peace returned to him having experienced them and I can understand that .
If Abigail and Brittany read this , we think you're both so cool and it's an amazing reality that you're here alive and well , and thankyou for being
who you are . Also - your parents are the best of people too .
edit on 14-10-2018 by DoctorBluechip because: (no reason given)
In that case you don't mean inhumane , you mean inhuman . But you can be guaranteed they're both human , and most probably that if you asked them ,
they'd rather be here for now than not . They laugh plenty , they both think for themselves and co-ordinate what they do, and in particular - do not
appear to suffer badly .
In that case you don't mean inhumane , you mean inhuman . But you can be guaranteed they're both human , and most probably that if you asked them ,
they'd rather be here for now than not . They laugh plenty , they both think for themselves and co-ordinate what they do, and in particular - do not
appear to suffer badly .
funny thing is that one of them has a boyfriend and one of them has a job while the other doesn't!