posted on Oct, 10 2018 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to:
As a friend I say forget the senate and go for the big banana and chief.. Once elected have the FCC pull the licenses of CNN and ABC for you know if
your name ain't Clinton they gonna be some kind of hate-in on you.....
Have daily or weekly firing squads at 12:00 noon sharp (east coast time) on the white house lawn for subversives. Pay per view it ! Be sure everyone
is stripped naked first for more viewership. Need to keep the price down for everyone so we need allot of viewers for ammo and stuff..
Eeeewwuuu I just thought of a few who would be stripped and had to back off on that horror show.. sorry.. Maybe as a buy one get one free deal we
could have a snowflake roast ? Our best broadcast IMO would have the great socialist who finances subversion around the world drawn and quartered
kinda like the movie Braveheart.. We could charge double for that one or broadcast free; up to you !!
Put auto guard towers on the borders with A.I. that shoots first and does not ask questions.. Illegals would be stopped dead in their tracks..
Everyone should know you have to sacrifice a few peaches to make a peach cobbler and it would not take that many for the word to get out "Don't mess
with (insert name)" !
Disband the CIA but you will need some very good body protection if you go that route .. because of the last time that was mentioned ... he got
JFK-ed Oops... I do hope you are not planning on bicycle convoys along your presidential routes ?
Now having channeled and auto written all of the above.... this is me... I am back.. I think I must have been channeling Hitler or Stalin or maybe the
great Khan ? Dunno all connection has been lost and they did not leave a name...
Do not do the senate or run for president.. Why would any sane person want to put themselves through that crap ?...
Back in my younger days when I really cared and was not to sane I too thought I would run for president.. I asked my wife if she thought I could get
elected.. she assured me if the voters knew me like she knew me I was a shoe in.(that is wonderful blind love, no ? or a very smart girl)... But.....
she did not want me to run, for she figured I would be assassinated in my first term.. Shucks ! Visions of grandeur and making a difference out the
door !
Whatever you decide, always good luck, and much body not forget the many body doubles....
edit on 727thk18 by 727Sky
because: (no reason given)