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Third Synod of Bishops called by pope Francis. Did the Catholic church lose its mission?

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posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 06:43 AM

Founded after the Second Vatican Council by Blessed Pope Paul VI, who’ll be canonized at the midway point of this gathering on Oct. 14, the Synod of Bishops brings together a cross-section of bishops from around the world to discuss some specific theme, leaving it up to the pope what to do with their deliberations. The first two synods during the Francis era triggered earthquakes ad intra, meaning within the Church’s internal life, with deep tensions over the question of allowing access to Communion for Catholics who divorce and then remarry outside the Church. Those synods culminated in Amoris Laetitia, the pope’s 2016 document on the family in which he opened a cautious door for that access, triggering a ferocious debate among Church insiders that still hasn’t abated. This time, however, the storms surrounding the synod aren’t just ad intra - though they definitely are that - but also ad extra, meaning the Church’s relationship with the wider world.

The clerical abuse crisis has badly damaged the Church’s moral credibility, made it difficult to move the ball on anything else the Church cares about, and called into question the standing and personal integrity of Church leaders at all levels. Inside the Church and out, there’s a level of anger and disillusionment that’s crippling.

In the run-up, some leading prelates actually called on Pope Francis to cancel or postpone this synod and instead just deal head-on with the issues raised by the abuse crisis. Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, for instance, suggested that Francis begin preparations for a synod on the life of bishops.

In reality, however, it almost doesn’t matter what subject the pontiff has invited bishops here to discuss. From the moment most of them get off their plane flights, they’ll want to talk about it, and whether it’s on the synod floor or during coffee breaks or at lunches and dinners, that’s exactly what they’ll spend a good chunk of the month doing.

Further, it may not ultimately matter if the bishops themselves want to face the music, because they’re not the only ones taking part. There are also 36 young “auditors,” meaning participants without voting rights, and there’s already talk that some of them want to ask for “clarification” on recent events - perhaps not so much about the Viganò charge specifically, but the crisis situation tout court.

So far so good. Bishops are entitled to meet and discuss.

What is it that is never said publicly though?
Is it just the sexual scandal, that according to some estimations includes 2% of all priests?

The Catholic Church has a Mission , along with other Christian Churches, given by Jesus Himself with the words: "Go to the ends of the world..."
Did it forfeit that mission? How could it witness further the Gospel of Jesus?

There are other issues beside the sexual crisis. One of them pope Francis named correctly: the world needs new energy sources. That could sound absurd for many the pope to take stance on it. But in fact it is not. The new energy sources are a matter of science fact, and only the lack of political will prevents them to be used. The planet is one common home for all, not only for the 1.2 bln Catholics that are significant percent but still a minority. If we don't want all to die because of the absurdity of the world civilization's development in the last centuries, we all need to take up a collective CHANGE OF COURSE. And the Roman pontiff is obviously one of these very influential persons that should and must speak on that.

Pope Francis already said that in Laudato Si encyclical, a good work that few paid attention to it. besides the preservation of the planet, he spoke overall of the creation of the Universe, stopping short of officially saying there are other planets in this same Universe created by God...Something that he said in a homily that he would baptize Martians if they would ask him for that...

Was that EVERYTHING that the Catholic Church was capable of saying?

The Catholic Church can and must rediscover its place after almost 2000 years. Sure there were sex sins before for those centuries. History knows of popes and other hierarchy who sinned greatly. Now, however, humanity itself is on a crossroad of existential level. The Catholic Church therefore must realize its responsibilities NOW. Yes, removing all PROVEN wrongdoers from its the minimum, to say the least. But far not ONLY THAT! Otherwise, the days of the Roman Church are numbered. Shall the bishops self-fulfill prophecies of old by their lack of reality assessment? Let it not be so!

edit on 4-10-2018 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart
Historically, the "Roman Catholic" community lost sight of its mission when their leaders began diverting their energies to exerting authority over Christians in general.
Once they renounce that claim, and accept that they are nothing more than one of the fragments of the true church, then they might be able to return to a mission focussed on Christ instead of the Pope.

There is an urgent need to repeal the 1870 definition of Infallibility, and then re-write the pope-centred definition of "schism". Humility and repentance can start there.

The question of authority has a bearing on the abuse issue, because the need to protect authority is what drives the church to stamp on whistle-blowers.
That's exactly what was happening four centuries ago. Martin Luther was drawing attention to real problems in the church, and the Pope's only concern was to protect authority by hostile treatment of the whistle-blowers, which had the side-effect of protecting the problem. History repeats itself.
The root of all evils in the Roman Catholic community is the love of Papal authority. They must give it up.

edit on 4-10-2018 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 07:58 AM
"Historically, the "Roman Catholic" community lost sight of its mission when their leaders began diverting their energies to exerting authority over Christians in general".

I think pomp and ceremony got in the way of the 'Word'.
I doubt that this is the way Jesus would of wanted it...

Matthew 23:13 13"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: Plotus
Combining both ideas, one of the deeper roots is the sense of "caste" that developed when pastoral workers began identifying themselves with the priesthood of the Old Testament.

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 09:19 AM
This pope is a liberal puppet. No telling what crazy mess he will try this time.

I remember when he was first elected and was this humble little simple man. He wasn’t even going to live in the papal apartments and had a Fiat. Six months later and they couldn’t make gold toilet seats for him fast enough.

I don’t know if they got to him quick or if it was an act from the beginning.

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: Plotus
"Historically, the "Roman Catholic" community lost sight of its mission when their leaders began diverting their energies to exerting authority over Christians in general".

I think pomp and ceremony got in the way of the 'Word'.
I doubt that this is the way Jesus would of wanted it...

Matthew 23:13 13"Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

Do you think it was Pomp and Ceremony that got in the way, or was it control, power, and greed?
edit on 4-10-2018 by pointessa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 10:38 AM
The latter was formed by the prior. IMO... The gowns and flourishes worn by members to distinguish the different levels of piety or service also sought adoration rather than humility. Monsignors strolled while priests labored with the congregation. Even higher up were more concerned with numbers and tea parties. All the way to the top with the Pope stroked and paid every complement as though he were Deity.

a reply to: pointessa

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 03:08 PM
I agree with you all...
Catholic bureaucracy is worse than the communist one. It must go. The bishops with all respect to them due to their anointing, must decide and Fast to change drastically the things inside. If they want to have a chance as a structure. Not as a church. Jesus didn't create this absurd structure.

Pope Francis Must Resign. He stayed enough. He tried enough. The synod is a good occasion to do so. And maybe before resigning, he could adopt new rules of conclave, to include bishops as well, as a first step. The secluded club of Cardinals 70+ is just as absurd as all the rest. Jesus didn't do that.

The bishops must understand that is not against their anointing as shepherds...they have the responsibility to bring back the Catholic Church to the format of
Jesus...the first of you let be servant of all...
If they adopt a Real Change, that paradoxically will increase their influence. From the chance to elect Pope and also to be elected, to decentralization of power for all the rest who wouldn't be elected pope.

The process of decentralization could be traced to several popes back, St John xxiii and all after him, blessed Paul vi, St John Paul ii. Only, we don't have another 50 y to protract things. As I wrote in op , the world has bigger problems than the interior problems of several thousand people in position.. .who besides that swore to sacrifice their lives for the flock ... Let they prove they are bishop. Let the pope prove with deeds what he said on Day 2 of his pontificate to Cardinals: half of you are already old...he is old enough, he stayed enough, it's the time to retire with dignity as pope Benedict did.
edit on 4-10-2018 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2018 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: Plotus
The story of the Ritualist Movement in the nineteenth-century English church might throw some light on the question. I'm currently re-reading my copies of Punch for that period, so I keep coming across references to its progress. Ritualist ministers were filling their churches with elaborate costumes and processions and incense in what Punch calls play-acting and feeble imitation of Roman Catholicism.
Now it seems to me that this was the sequel and consequence of the earlier Oxford Movement, in which men like Newman and Pusey were deliberately reviving the idea of "Church" in the Catholic sense, of the priestly caste over against the lay membership. Newman, of course, eventually passed over to Rome. I think those who remained in the Church of England and became Ritualists were using their borrowed Catholic ceremonial to back-up their sense of caste. In Victorian England, at least, "we priests are the Church" was the first stage, and the ceremonial was only the second stage.

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 08:30 AM
Cardinal Ouellet: Vigano in ‘open and scandalous rebellion’ against Pope Francis

In his defence of pope Francis and accusations against the messenger archbishop Vigano, cardinal Ouelett said:

“The written instructions prepared for you by the Congregation for Bishops at the beginning of your service in 2011 did not say anything about McCarrick, except what I told you about his situation as an Emeritus Bishop who had to obey certain conditions and restrictions because of rumors about his behavior in the past.”

“The former cardinal, who retired in May 2006, was strongly urged not to travel and not to appear in public, in order not to provoke further rumours about him. It is false to present the measures taken against him as ‘sanctions’ decreed by Pope Benedict XVI and annulled by Pope Francis,” the letter added."

Ouelett practically confirms the restrictions imposed on ex-card. McCarrick, only they were not signed by pope Benedict...


posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 08:34 AM
Well, if that is the brilliant defence and answer of the top Vatican cardinal overseeing all bishops, to the very well founded letter of archbishop Vigano, it remains nothing for pope Francis than to pack his baggage and enjoy the pizza as someone unknown on the streets of Buenos Aires, as he said once...

Still, pope Francis could do one thing...let all archbishops vote in the next conclave! The bitterly divided cardinals won't agree this time to elect a successor of the almost 82 y old pope. There will be division and schism that manifest itself every next day deeper. The efforts should be concentrated how to continue the Catholic Church after the inevitable retirement or death of pope Francis. If the red hats are hot enough not to be able to find compromise on smaller questions, as who said what of the disgraced McCarrick,...

The Synod is a good occasion when bishops of all countries are gathered together, not only of a graceful stepping down of pope Francis, but also of changing the rules of the conclave to elect his successor. Metropolitan bishops are no less worthy to make that choice. And the choice doesn't have to be limited among the 120 cardinals either.

Otherwise, we are a step from the formal split in the Catholic church, may be even with the election of two popes on two separate conclaves. Things have gone so far. And history knows it, even of three popes at the time.
edit on 7-10-2018 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 10:45 AM
The Catholic Church, brought into existence by Jesus, will NEVER fall. Ever.

Or else, Jesus was a liar, from Mathew 16:18.

Jesus doesn’t lie.

The smoke of the satan did indeed infiltrate the Church instituted by Jesus Christ. Current events show this smoke is being cleared out. Slow but sure.

posted on Oct, 7 2018 @ 04:16 PM
Jesus is not a liar. People are. Including those who pretend to follow him, and even to lead other followers.

Schisms did occur. The option of schism again is higher than ever. For lesser things the old Catholic church and the Lefebvrists separated.

If today's hierarchy makes it happen due to its own absurdity, who to blame? Certainly not Jesus.

Therefore, Resignations voluntary and non voluntary ...until there is Time for that.

Let the pope Stop playing games and give the example himself. No one will blame him, as no one blamed Benedict. Nothing short of that will help. As the first step followed by others. I might want to see dozens of hierarchy retired by this Pope overnight, but he is not going to do it...So the hope the next pope will...Jesus expelled the money changers from the temple too.
edit on 7-10-2018 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

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