posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 02:51 PM
I forget if there was an option to register on this site other than with Facebook or Google+ as if there had been I know I would have used it at that
time but I think I was stuck using FB or Goog+. The convenience of using FB and Goog+ makes registration easier, but I have a feeling that there are
a lot of hidden downsides to doing this like both of those companies knowing when you are on the site, and probably a lot more information that we
aren't being told about. That is why I'm against using those services to log in.
I came across another site that had the same options plus something called "ID" (ID4ME - which I've never heard of) and I have the same skepticism
with this site. But there is a field where you can enter an email address, which is great - but the problem is I use gmail for all my forums (that
account is un-associated with any other "real" accounts).
does anyone know if FB or Goog+ tracks you more if you use their services to log into sites? This is something that should be made absolutely clear
when using these to sign up.
This is just another example of the big tech companies invading privacy through an "ease of use" feature. We really need to make a list of things
which need national attention, while this is a relatively small issue, when you add in 10-50 other issues with FB and Google, those little issues will
start to show a clear picture of what is going on.
What do you people use to sign in and what do you think those companies do when you use their service to log in? I see it like cell phone traking off
of cell towers, but FB and Goog does it with domain names.