posted on Oct, 2 2018 @ 03:59 PM
Sort of the opposite happened for my wife. Her father was very intense about wanting a grandson. My wife's sister had 2 daughters and our first child
was also a girl. The first thing he usually said to me is, "When am I going to get my grandson?" Well, he passed away 6 months after our daughter was
born. After that my wife would dream about him regularly, just having conversations. After a while the dreams faded and we had our 2nd child, another
girl. We figured that was it and pretty much stopped trying for any more kids.
Well, ten years down the line my wife was asleep and having some random dream and she says her father straight up busted into it and excitedly
says, "Mija! (daughter) We got him!" Confused, she says, "Got who Dad?" He replied, "We got our boy!" then she woke up. She told me about the dream
and I being a dumb male dismissed it outright. Well she went shopping that day and picked up a pregnancy test while she was there. Sure enough, she
was pregnant. Our son was born 8 1/2 months later.