posted on Sep, 29 2018 @ 09:24 AM
Been lurking in the shadows of ATS since the days of dial up, and finally decided to join. I normally don't have a lot to say but I enjoy what other
people are thinking, I just like to take it all in. I'm hoping to see less political threads in the not too distant future, the past few years have
been awful. I do think it's funny how people hate on Trump, me tho I like him because he's not politician. I'm Canadian so I have my own problems with
a flaming idiot for a prime minister. That's about as political I like to get, so ATS help me out and give me some good reading material like
conspiracy, ufo, secret bases, military projects, cryptology, you know all the stuff that first brought us here.
edit on 29-9-2018 by SmellsBig because: (no reason given)