Another thread got me thinking about our opinions of the presidents. Everything seems to be either totally right or left and completely visceral in
Now of course some things will invoke a highly emotional response but not everything.
This emotional response syndrome started with bush junior in my opinion. Then is snowballed with obama and now trump.
But I want to know, is any president all bad?
Doesnt every president do some good?
What has trump done that's bad and good in your opinion?
This is not about debating, it's about opinions.
Thus it's not in the mud pit.
Tell us what you hate about a president.
Then tell us what he did right.
I'll start with the last two presidents.
Obama was in my opinion not qualified to be president and that lack of practical experience showed in his running of the economy.
What I did like was the way he carried himself in the public eye. A happy family man that served without sexual scandals. He generally felt like a
good guy that you would like to drink a beer with.
Now trump.
I want to break his Twitter fingers.
The wall is a fricken stupid idea and will be a total waste of money. Stop acting like a jackass!
But he has the economy booming and I love his America first policy. I also like how he pisses off the leaders of foreign countries by telling it like
it is.
Now those are my opinions and I'm not here to change anyone's mind or debate the validity of those opinions. Questions to clarify are fine though.
Tell us what you hate about a president, but you gotta tell us what you like too.
And I dont want to hear trump has a hot wife.
What say you?
edit on 26-9-2018 by Bluntone22 because: Stupid auto correct