posted on Sep, 22 2018 @ 07:27 PM
The Feast of Tabernacles starts this Sunday and ends next Sunday with The Last Great Day. This is a festival that Ron's church keeps.
What Ronald Weinland will do, in order to distract PKGers, since Ron's prediction regarding the 3 1/2 years of Tribulation didn't manifest, is to do
3 things....
1) Ronald Weinland will make the excuse that God was being merciful, and changed His mind, and sort of canceled the Great Tribulation.
Ron has been successful with this excuse and will use it again, since it seems to always work.
2) Ronald Weinland will blame the PKG members for not being spiritually ready, and thus requiring God to postpone things.
3) Ronald Weinland will also invent some new "truth" or come up with some new doctrine, to support #1 or #2, or simply use some new doctrine to
distract the members attention.
Ron has had success using all these 3 methods, and will simply do it again. Ron already knows that his prediction that Christ will return on Pentecost
of 2019, is completely false. But Ron wants to keep stealing tithe money, so will use the above 3 methods, since they have worked before.