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Looking for a book, i once read..

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posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 02:32 PM
Hi all ! I was hoping someone might be able to help me out. I'm looking for the name of a book I once read as a teenager, and just to make it more complicated I do not remember the Author either... Great I know.. I believe there was more than one book, but I may be misremembering and it was just one long novel.. Again less than useful I know.

But I do remember what it was about, and where it took place.

The story is about a teenager, who lives in the smoky mountains area of Georgia. Somehow he becomes able to see people and creatures of folk-lore, that others can't or just don't. What made this so unique was that the novel portrayed only the really old and esoteric aspect of folk-myth, for example Fearies , Brownies and Sprites were not friendly helpful beautiful little people ; They were petty, spiteful and really disliked mankind. The story focused on this boy and his interactions with the elves. Again these were not the tall beautiful elegant elves of modern movie mythology, they were dark and angry. The elves of old legend, who stole children and left changlings. Who set traps, and left things to hurt unsuspecting people. The novel even uses the old names for where the elves came from, Tair-na-nog (SP?). If I remember correctly (and I probably don't) the teenager has some kind latent magical ability, and this is what causes him to see the elves. Again if I remember correctly, he gets involved with them because he catches an elf leaving a changling for his newborn brother and thus starts the adventure.

I really hope someone who also once read this, finds this message and can help me out. It was a really good read, and I remember this as being one of my early introductions to the old dark legends of elves (what they don't run around with bows killing orcs ?) and wish to share it with one of my Daughters who is starting to become interested in fantasy fiction, and fantasy games etc.

Thanks in advance, and yes I don't have a lot to start a hunt on... My Google attempts continuously take me to pictures of Georgia, heh.

posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 02:44 PM
I can't help, but that sounds like a good read!

I remember not long after I moved to the Welsh Black Mountains (ten years old), and my Dad was telling me about how fairies are supposed to be mean and cruel, he said if I ever woke up in the night and hear strange music outside by the standing-stone, to just ignore it and go back to sleep or I'd get kidnapped lol

posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: CrawlingChaos

How old was the book?

posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: Atsbhct
a reply to: CrawlingChaos

How old was the book?

Oh, good question... Lets see, im 41 and I think I read this when I was about 15... So it would be atleast 26 years old. Also it wasn't a child's novel/book. It wasn't "mature-content", but it wasn't a novel aimed at kids either.

posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: CrawlingChaos

Tales of David Sullivan
edit on 20-9-2018 by burdman30ott6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 03:02 PM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6
a reply to: CrawlingChaos

Tales of David Sullivan

BAM ! That's them ! I was afraid this might be a fool's errand, but ATS to the rescue !

Thanks a lot, seriously! The first book's name didn't ring a bell, but The Sunshaker's War was the last one I read and that title definitely was familiar as soon as I saw it.

Again thanks, because my google-foo wasn't doing the trick. Have you read these, or are you just that damn good Burdman ?

posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: CrawlingChaos

Haven't read them, just good at web searches. I may have to read them though, they've piqued my interest.

posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: CrawlingChaos

Sounds like a good read, thanks!

posted on Sep, 20 2018 @ 04:47 PM
Yea got me interested in them too, LOL anytime a book or movie leaves that kind of impression my me want to at least see what the fuss is about.

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