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dulce base, geosurvey experiment

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posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:47 PM
I'm waiting for your results... intrest is peaked... don't get busted. They won't even tell anyone they busted you. Locked up in a camp in the antartic massaging reptillians.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 01:55 AM
Great idea, but um... how much does geosurvey equipment cost?

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 02:55 AM
GPR won't work, it doesn't go deep enough.

You are proposing using reflection seismology.

Refection seismology in that type of region would cost millions, and take months or years to accomplish.

The base is supposed to be very deep.

Piezoseismology would be the perfect choice to detect the underground base. The cost would be less than $20,000 and would probably take less than one week to map out any underground base in one dimension from the surface that would exist at a depth of less than 5 miles in depth. Otherwise, a three dimensional view might take a month or two to accomplish.

If what your were trying to do got out to the public, then you can expect black whisper quiet helicopters in that region will most likely be sent in to pinpoint your location, and the hunters (you) would become the hunted. The hunters (you) might appear on the missing persons list after that. If the base is down there and they realize that you are trying to detect and map their base, then your life will most likely be at risk; or for a more clearer picture, your life might be at its end point.
edit on 2-12-2010 by RussianScientists because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 11:34 PM
I saw that someone else beat me to the reply, but I have to input my thoughts as well. First off, this would be a great idea. I would love to do it. However, it would be a catastrophic failure and waste of money. This base, if real, has been deemed as extremely high tech, highly secure facility with multiple types of Extraterrestial and terrestrial beings that have technology far superior to ours. Geosurvey gadgetry will not be able to do anything to see this base. If we have thought of this, then obviously someone else that works for them has thought about it as well, and they have developed a countermeasure to it.

Not to base the OP. We live in a world full of misconceptions and our reality is totally different from what reality actually is. Too many people believe what we are told as reality, when reality is actually totally different. We know what we are told. We can figure out things through deduction and reasoning. Take the stealth fighter F-117 NightHawk. It was developed in the 80s and is supposed to still be the most stealthy and best strike fighter in the United States arsenal. Do you really believe that in 30 years or so with the technological advances that there hasnt been a new aircraft that blows the nighthawk out of the skies. There is technology that is far superior to what we know or think exists. This technology will definitely cloak any and all underground facilities. I would be more than happy to try this though. It would be awesome if it worked. I would be the first person to get a backhoe and start digging.

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