posted on Sep, 19 2018 @ 09:25 PM
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Well poop I live in pollocksville nd. On highway 17 and was wondering why before are town was flooding why there were no duke trucks in area putting
the lines back up to restore power on main road because all the back roads were being put back up local counties guys . Hope they fix the problem
been no power here since Thursday the 13 and the town flooded a few days latter the 150 foot across river turned into a quarter mile to a mile in
places and we had to get coast guard ,nd wildlife and army outta of ft Bragg to evacuate about 3/4 the town.. we were wondering where fema and red
cross and duke were but he'll please tack care of Brunswick 1 &2 we good I got pork and beans and mres to last me till river goes down and neighbor
finally got tennis working tonight.