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Chicago Hotel workers strike, but are they in the right?

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posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: JimNasium

You were a "leo"? Honestly? Thank you for your "service". I guess. Why'd you become a leo? For the union job?

By your statement, I'd wager it was for the wrong reason.
You swore "to uphold and defend ".. The same Constitution I did. My son's a leo. Half the S*** he tells me? Again. I'm not impressed by leo work or issues, or their lack of work ethics. If it wasn't for people like me and my sisters/brothers you'd have "filed reports" in Russian if not Chinese.

That said? I'd like to think you did your job, because you agreed to do it and not because it gave you a "title". Titles are very unAmerican.

posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: burdman30ott6

I can't disagree with anything you've said tbh burdman, I didn't touch on it much but hospitality is hard work and isn't for everyone.

Never looked up the Right to Work laws in the US, cheers for mentioning that, something to read.

As for unions, I keep hearing from a Union member that they'll take a mile for every inch given. Work ethic is dead? Long live money?

I can't blame people for a want of more though, not many people turn down a bettering of their situation. Earned or not.

posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: murphy22

I was wondering if there was a legitimate question there, I guess not.

The point was, without a Union No cop would be able to buy Legal Representation through the Legal Defense Fund.

I see You ASS/u/med with Me, I'll do the same...

Yeah, what did You do in the Army set the pins at the Bowling Alley at Ft. Dix? but I'll bet a dollar to a donut that You have a bunch of Army stickers and wear a camo hat and shuffle off to Applebees™ for FREE meal or go and drink Your lunch and dinner at the VFW™ and then drive home DRUNK...

Hey, the #7 pin in Lane 46 isn't setting right..

You Sir are a Piece of work and I KNOW guys like You NEED and WANT that very important last word..
And if it is indeed Your son and not the milkman's I bet he has got a ton of complaints huh??

posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 08:09 PM
Dance off dance off! Have a dance off!

That will settle everything!

posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: JimNasium

No cop could, without a union, "buy legal representation" through the "legal defense fund"?
I'm sure "Miranda" gives you the right to an attorney. Unless cops are under different "law"? Which does seem to be the case at times.

Doesn't matter what I did in my service or what you did in your "service". It is about our "oath". Soldiers don't have "unions". Cops want the respect of "warriors" but they have unions, and take the same "oath". ..I've always found that interesting and laughable.

By the way. I didn't set up bowling pins.

Only "civilian" minds are corrupted by "police unions". A vast majority of Americans aren't really concerned with police benefits or lack of "pay".

posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: JimNasium

No cop could, without a union, "buy legal representation" through the "legal defense fund"?
I'm sure "Miranda" gives you the right to an attorney. Unless cops are under different "law"? Which does seem to be the case at times.

Doesn't matter what I did in my service or what you did in your "service". It is about our "oath". Soldiers don't have "unions". Cops want the respect of "warriors" but they have unions, and take the same "oath". ..I've always found that interesting and laughable.

By the way. I didn't set up bowling pins.

Only "civilian" minds are corrupted by "police unions". A vast majority of Americans aren't really concerned with police benefits or lack of "pay".

posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: watchandwait410
Dancing and Soldiering are two different things. I'd probably be beat to a pulp! He's probably in an entertainment union. Talent and skill, wouldn't matter.

posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 08:56 PM
If they were full time prior to the layoff due to seasonal business fluctuations they should be eligible for COBRA insurance continuation for those few months.

posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: murphy22

Assuming the charges or suit stems from something they did while on duty, police receive legal representation courtesy of their employer, not due to any union connections... same would hold true of an active service member should they be accused of something. They receive free (to them) legal assistance and representation through one of the many military lawyers.

posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

In the U.S. of America, you're free to find another job if you don't like the one you got. No law says you have to take it or stay.
The most annoying group of American employees are the "public service" ones. Apparently, it is not good enough for some "public servants" "take an oath, (never having read that oath) then be given a "badge" or authority to dictate to the masses "what they believe to be the law"... Then cry when they don't feel they get "paid" enough. Then hold public "services" hostage, while they "strike" (don't do what they said they'd do when they got hired). But they can hold the whole "system" hostage for their petty, "I don't get paid enough"

Last I heard it was against the "law" in Oregon to pump your own gas. I think all gas pump employees in Oregon should "unionize" and demand more! Then they should call all the people that take the job they "agreed" to do, but aren't doing, "scabs".

See? The thing with "police service" "teacher" type jobs is that by "law" it requires a "state certificate". There's really no good reason why. But it does give their "unions" an advantage when "bargaining".
But, but. ...But the children and public safety!
Parents can do a better job teaching.
And the public can honestly take care of itself.
Laws don't give freedom. But they do help indoctrinate.

posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: JimNasium

I know that. But public servant unions (especially police unions) bargain for what their members can be held accountable for and give extra effort in defending against holding them accountable for "crimes" their members would have no problem shakelling fellow citizens for.
The military is a different world and doesn't have unions. In the military you are expected to do what you agreed/said you'd do and are trained to do. You don't get to strike.
Imagine if "Rosie the Riviter" went on "stike" during WW2? And she wasn't even a "public employee"!

We got a lot of puss**s in this country that need to be fired. Unions need to be put on a raft and set adrift. Bunch of belly aching, lazy people.

posted on Sep, 10 2018 @ 09:47 PM
In a nutshell? They're not right. There's plenty of people willing and able to do the jobs they said they'd do for the pay and any benefits they agreed they'd work for and are now, not willing to do it.
What?... Weren't they listening when they got hired?

Just a bunch of drama queens, "making news". Fire them all! Oh wait! They're in a "union"! So now the employee/servant gets to dictate... Awesome. We're so "progressive".

Kinda the reason nobody can sense of duty.

edit on 10-9-2018 by murphy22 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2018 by murphy22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2018 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Here's the thing.

Someone, other than the individual, has to pay for healthcare. Individuals do not have the money necessary, and cannot have the money necessary to accommodate any possible healthcare expenditure they may come across, because many folks simply cannot even pay their own rent, despite working hard.

So its either the government, or the employers, because going without is not an option. You do not have a workforce which is either reliable or motivated, if they are in constant fear of illness or injury, lest they put themselves in debt that no one in their position could ever pay off. What you have instead, is people who are controlled by fear of destitution, and that is utterly wrong on every level.

posted on Sep, 11 2018 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: murphy22

Wow, unions are for lazy socialists

Send them kids back to the factory with no PPE or breaks because we adore capitalism, keep earning the money for the guy at the top though. Then one day you to can take advantage of others in the workplace

A good union ensures basic standards that most employers would just ignore

posted on Sep, 11 2018 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: murphy22
Unions are for commies and the lazy. They always have been and always will be. The whole mindset is evil thinking and selfserving.
If you agree to work for someone/or an entity, for "this much"?.. You do what you said you'd do!.. It's that simple! Unless you're a liar, selfish and as greedy as the "rich boss" that the "union" is claiming to "protect" you from?

Unions have become a "business" in this country. And a sickening, pathetic one at that.

When you get hired at a job, you don't know what you're signing up for? Why did you apply? Unions are for lazy socialist, always have been. There's no law saying you gotta stay there.

I've worked in a few "union" shops. I wasn't impressed by the work ethics.

Unions are banned in communist countries and workers have zero rights.
It is why everyone was dirt poor except those connected to the state.

With state capitalism controlled by corporations and banks in our country and a dissapearing middle class we see the same thing happening now in this country.

State Capalism and Communism have much in common.

posted on Sep, 11 2018 @ 06:44 AM
I wager no one on this thread has ever been to an arbitration meeting on a new Union contract.
Unions all died in the mid-90s
At least what they stood for.
Guarantee anything ?
All a business has to say is "due to the needs of the business..." and the Union leadership "takes a knee" nowadays.

posted on Sep, 11 2018 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: murphy22
Well let's use the Military as an example. Now when any military unit is not on deployment they are back home doing eeerrr??????? certainly not what they are employed for(that's fighting and defending by the way) do they still get payed, do they still get cover? Of course they do.
Now take a top flight lawyer. Some people keep them on with a retainer. That to you and me is someone being payed to do nothing till they're needed. In fact they can get payed be someone else to do a job while being paid be the retainer.

posted on Sep, 11 2018 @ 02:25 PM
a reply to: murphy22

In the U.S. of America, you're free to find another job if you don't like the one you got. No law says you have to take it or stay. 

It's the same throughout the western world minus the few nations that practice conscription or "national service" if you will. Kinda goes without saying that people are free to work any job they wish within the US... In theory.

The most annoying group of American employees are the "public service" ones. Apparently, it is not good enough for some "public servants" "take an oath, (never having read that oath) then be given a "badge" or authority to dictate to the masses "what they believe to be the law"... Then cry when they don't feel they get "paid" enough. Then hold public "services" hostage, while they "strike" (don't do what they said they'd do when they got hired). But they can hold the whole "system" hostage for their petty, "I don't get paid enough" 

I'm not 100% sure on the method of striking in the US, typically throughout the western world a minimum of service is guaranteed, very rarely is "no service" provided, in fact I'll happily go out on a limb and say that the US will have laws guaranteeing a minimal service or a time limit on strikes. Usually elsewhere it'll be both until at least some basic negotiations pass through.

Just to remind you, the thread isn't even about the public sector. It's about the private sector.

Anyways much you wrote reads like a rant and getting back to your first comment... Does that mean the public sector are not afforded the same rights as "normal Americans"?

Does the oath of a teacher become an obligation for life?

If the wages of a teacher do not match inflation or say it was written in contract that their wage shall increase 1% per year and it doesn't due to cut backs, do they have no right to fight such things in a legal and demonstrably peaceful manner?

See? The thing with "police service" "teacher" type jobs is that by "law" it requires a "state certificate". There's really no good reason why. But it does give their "unions" an advantage when "bargaining". 
But, but. ...But the children and public safety! 
Parents can do a better job teaching. 
And the public can honestly take care of itself. 
Laws don't give freedom. But they do help indoctrinate.

Indoctrination in your opinion.

Most kids go through school and learn the fundamental basics of life, mathematics, the ability to read and write and the method of study. The rest isn't as important in practicality.

Not to slate my own parents but they'd be incapable of teaching me most of the fundamental educational basics, they're not that clever and have little experience in actual teaching. I'm not the person to tell any parent how to raise their kids, if a parent takes such a step though and it becomes conclusive that they are incapable of teaching a child the basics of entering the world or the job market...?

I'm afraid to say it's the parents practicing indoctrination.

Laws don't give freedom. But they do help indoctrinate.

The law, rules and regulations, at least here in the UK anyways...

They tend to protect me from wallies who think they know better than everyone else.

I've got family members who thought they could do electrician work without qualifications = house fire

Family that thought it fine to drive without a license : Accident and jail term

Hell, I've seen vigilante action against innocent people because some bunch of retards done "research" and got it wrong.

Funny thing is I have no reason to defend officialdom, it's failed me plenty if times when I was incapable of my own success, yet here I am. I've seen the consequences of the alternative.

But... Waste of thread space? We're on about minimal to low waged hospitality workers within a private business sector

posted on Sep, 11 2018 @ 09:53 PM
The U.S. is ruthless with employment. Other countries vastly outdo the U.S. - in most countries, they actually give a crap about things like.. maternity leave, vacation, work / life balance. Japan used to be the country that would kill their employees for corporate profit. The U.S. is turning into that country. Work or die (or both).

In the construction industry, in the U.S., there is massive turnover. Job done? GONE! We'll hire you back if there is more work in a couple of months. In Europe, it's VERY difficult to let construction workers go. Because they actually give a crap about their employees and their well being.

But here, you'll just hear people bemoan about how hard THEY had to work... so everyone else must suffer as well, or they are lazy bums.

posted on Sep, 11 2018 @ 11:00 PM

originally posted by: murphy22
Unions are for commies and the lazy. They always have been and always will be. The whole mindset is evil thinking and selfserving.
If you agree to work for someone/or an entity, for "this much"?.. You do what you said you'd do!.. It's that simple! Unless you're a liar, selfish and as greedy as the "rich boss" that the "union" is claiming to "protect" you from

Wow what a narrow viewpoint. So for the record, I am not a commie, nor am I lazy and I am in a union.

The simple fact is that the vast majority of workplace protections and working conditions improvements have come to be because of the work of unions.

While unions can have their issues, they also protect workers form corporations etc who do not give you benefits and the like out of the goodness of their hearts.

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