Hello everyone! I'm new to this site but not new to most of the topics. I know the military isn't so popular with some members, but I respect your
opinions and views. There is always something to learn. I'm a 21 year Army vet. (1/2 Active-1/2 Reserve). Retired and unable to have a great quality
of life due to sevice-connected injuries that took five years (YES...5 years) to prove. As I've served in numerous places and assignments, my records
were FUBAR. Anyone with a little sense can see from my name what I mean. Well anyway. I will be on here often so if I can help or just BS for awhile,
give me a signal. ( DO NOT WAVE WITH ONE FINGER:roll
Hello and welcome to the board. I am usually on at nights playing word games so, if you are ever bored come and join in....nice to meet you. Thank You
for serving 21 years in the military!
Welcome to ATS, I hope you enjoy your stay with us. Dont forget to check out all the other great sites associated with ATS, like BTS, Politics, and
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