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‘White People Food’ Is Creating An Unattainable Picture Of Health

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posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: TinySickTears

The big question is why is the Huffington Post even bothering to write an article about this? If blacks are 13% of the population and whites are predominate, it is strictly business that the bulk of food would cater to whites because there are more of them. So now we have a new element to victim hood? White people food?

edit on 4-9-2018 by pointessa because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 07:59 AM

originally posted by: pointessa
a reply to: TinySickTears

The big question is why is the Huffington Post even bothering to write an article about this? If blacks are 13% of the population and whites are predominate, it is strictly business that the bulk of food would cater to whites because there are more of them. So now we have a new element to victim hood? White people food?

They're not fat because they eat unhealthy. They're fat because all the good food is made unattractive because it's made to look like wipipo food so they won't eat it. It's a symptom of the oppressive white person culture keeping the beautiful black man down!

Honestly, it's stupid.

If the gal doesn't like pickled onions, then she should just say do and stop blaming white people for it. I am not fond of tripe, but that isn't because it was made by Mexicans at the place I got it from. It just turns out I'm not fond of tripe, but I might try it again in a different preparation to be sure.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 08:42 AM
Hmmm well onions are thought to have come from China, pickling was thought to have been invented in Mesopotamia, almonds are from the middle east, walnuts and goji berries are native to Asia, açai palms are from south america, and chia seeds come from the Salvia hispanica plant from south America. Kale was first cultivated and used in the mediterranian and asia minor in 2000 BC. The first cheese similar to cottage cheese dates back 3000 years to Mesopotamia.

I'm just wondering where the white people food is??
edit on 4/9/2018 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: dug88

Dang, I need to check my genes cuz I love me some watermelon and BBQ roadkill and I am white as Vanilla Ice.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: lakenheath24
Well, I guess it should come as no surprise to you that this is a BS story contrived to fertilize the diversion and dissension that they are trying to grow all over this planet.

As long as people continue to line up to grab the grossly modified statements that the media distributes to the masses, this insanity will continue.

Before they choose to believe that any one person speaks for an entire race of people, maybe they should ask those people that they know, that they work with, that they live next to, before believing any bit of tripe that comes out of someone's mouth, especially if it is being smeared all over the internet.

Maybe so many are so willing to believe and run with it, is because it validates what grows in their own hearts.

Those that know the truth will act accordingly, and those that are looking for validation won't have to look hard or very far, just keep following the bread crumbs they are placing at your feet.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 10:32 AM
So now even food is racist.

What a sad effing joke.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: lakenheath24
a reply to: dug88

Dang, I need to check my genes cuz I love me some watermelon and BBQ roadkill and I am white as Vanilla Ice.

that is because this whole thing about soul food, ie black person food, is it's self racist. what it really is is regional food, that was eaten by pretty much everyone. not based on race, but on how much money they had. all these things we see mentioned like fried okcra, collared greens, beans, fried chicken, watermellon etc, was food eaten by pretty much those without much money in parts of the south, be they black, or white. my family is white from the hills of Kentuckey, and guess what. those so called black, soul foods, are what they ate. and those are all considered good old home foods to my family.

in fact i have to say fried foods is not even a reginal thing from the US, forget about a black thing. they seem to fry almost everything in Asia. and even things like pork rinds are very common. yet another fried food most consider to be either black soul food, or southern US food. not to mention things like okra, watermelon, eating the leaves of many plants rather like collard greens is. all things eaten widely in at least parts of Asia.

seriously FOOD anywhere in the world is made up of foods from many cultures around the world. even foods we consider country staples which a country is well noted for in many cases has major influence from far away countries. for example what the heck did they eat in Italy before they found China? Italy is known for pasta. so many dishes made with different varieties of pasta. you think regional food from Italy, and you will almost certainly think pasta. and yet that pasta actually is something they got from the Chinese. everyone seems to have taken food they liked from everywhere else, and adopted it themselves. even more fun is regional foods in North America we like to think of as foods from other countries, like Chinese food. yet for the most part the Chinese food you find in the US or Canada, bears almost no resemblance to actual Chinese food found in China (and i prefer the North American version of Chinese food myself). and pizza which is thought of as Italian food, bears little resemblance to pizza found in Italy.

as for thsoe white people foods mentioned in the OP, i would not call them white food, i would call them fad foods. i guess if i was feeling a bit biased i might even refer to them as SJW foods. not something i would eat myself. because as far as i'm concerned those foods are crap. and an awful lot of white people i know won't touch that crap either.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 11:28 AM
I cant believe an adult would take this theead seriously. And black folks......i worship your bbq rib makin,Smoked pork shoulderin, drunk chicken makin, covered in watermelon sauce wordclass contribution to the worlds quisine.

Black people OWN BBQ. I admit it.....and it doesnt bother me one bit.

a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 11:30 AM
Well i have heard tell of corn not growing where Okra was planted last year. Whatcha gonna do?

a reply to: neo96

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: lakenheath24
I hear what you are saying but I have a Black family member that can't make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and a white family member that can make a BBQ grill scream.

I don't think it has anything to do with the color of their skin.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 11:51 AM
Of course it doesnt. But one can give homage where homage is due. Slaves turned crap pieces of meat into art. As far as the object of the OP....Meh, shes just hates food.

a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 12:03 PM

‘White People Food’ Is Creating An Unattainable Picture Of Health

Black people's expectations are creating an unattainable social structure.

You decide what one is worse...

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: lakenheath24
I grew up in the country, poor as a church mouse. Amazing thing is that I never knew that little tidbit until I was an adult.

I also had the great fortune of living in a town were everyone was equally poor, so no one could afford to be stupid enough to allow for the color of someone''s skin to prevent basic survival. Blacks and Whites lived in close proximity to each other. They worked hard together, played together, and ate together. The television is what taught us about what was going on in the world outside of our boundaries. Now we have the internet. You would think with all that knowledge at our fingertips that we would be a lot smarter.

I have learned over the years that color has very little to do with what makes a person tick. The experiences in their lives, the people they are bound to, and what they choose to believe, are the primary factors that makes a person who and what they are.

My mother and father worked for the military. I was exposed to many people outside of the town, many cultures and many cuisines. That wasn't true for a lot of my peers. Being poor can be a opportunity for creativity. That is why the slaves learned to make what was available to them palatable.

There are people in that little town still today that have never been outside of the boundaries of that tiny town. The place doesn't look much like it did when I was a child. The world has moved in and erased many childhood hangouts. Yet there are still folks that have never been outside of the town. They haven't missed much. The cooking is still amazing though.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: TinySickTears

What I took from this:
Healthy food is a white definition and the walking failure quoted in the article is upset over it. She wants foods she loves to eat called healthy, which basically just exposes her for the dullard she obviously is... scarcely anyone eats healthy or diet food because they enjoy it, they do it because they've got someone guilt tripping them over their weight.

The idiots needs to either STFU and eat a salad or STFU while not eating a salad and growing a third human beings' worth of an ass. Whichever option she picks, she can take her attempts at racism, sprinkle some "white person" salad dressing on it, and eat that.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 01:00 PM
A little off.

We all know how to eat healthier. Less Red Meat and Pork. Less fried foods. More fruits and vegetables. Less carbs from bread and wheat products. Less Sugar. Less fast food. Less processed food. More raw healthy food like Nuts. More water. Less alcohol. Eating that way is also better for the environment.

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 01:05 PM
My peeps are from easterm Ky baby. Po as a Joe. So po cant even afford the or.
You ever listen to JJ Grey and Mofro? They talk about all that mess. Dirt floor ghetto. I getcha man.....i love all that. Its real world....real peeps....real problems...but people just deal with it. Ill take those people over anyone.

a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: neo96

Ever fantasize about how wonderful it would be to wake up in a country where, when you turn on the TV, pick up the paper to scan the headlines while drinking that first cup o'joe, everything wasn't all about race? Headlines didn't focus or even mention an aggrieved 15% of the population and stories about "social justice" were notably absent?

Guess what! You can! Fly to Milan, Italy! Everything, everyday isn't all about "race" and "race relations" and "discrimination". Instead, the papers are on about "food" and football (soccer) and fashion, with a dollop of the awesome silliness of Italian politics.

Ahhhhhh, bliss!

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 01:07 PM
Id rather die early. What a boring life for anyone that adheres to that godawful crap.a reply to: amazing

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: amazing

Yea, I eat like that! Big meal of the day is a salad; my major sources of protein are chick peas in the salad and one hard boiled egg. Breakfast is a home made protein bar and no supper at all; don't eat after 3:00 pm.

But "NO ALCOHOL"? What are you some kinda kinky tree hugging communist! Beer IS one of the 3 major food groups. No beer, no life! A "Harp" a day, keeps the doctor away! "Guinness" is POWER FOOD! The elixir of the gods!

posted on Sep, 4 2018 @ 01:27 PM
If somebody wants real
African food, try this restaurant in Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge. I've eaten there and the cuisine is fabulous.

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