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FEMA Readiness Exercise 1984 (REX84) Research

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posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 09:58 PM
There is a dismaying amount of disinformation (intentional misinformation) on this subject that is regurgitated on many websites across the Internet. Many misquote Executive Orders - using incorrect rephrasing, or referencing language that is altogether fabricated (most of the fabrications are the result of CoIntelPro).

However, it does not diminish the reality of a potential takeover by FEMA, pursuant to "National Security" and allowed/protected by law. Rather, it highlights the necessity of lucid thought and diligent research into this issue.

It is vital that we use valid information when discussing this topic, particularly amongst those unfamiliar with the issue. People and organizations resistant to the dissemination of this information can undermine all of the best-intentioned education efforts by simply proving ONE STATEMENT to be false, misinterpreted, or explained poorly. They will commonly use one "conspiracy theorist" view pitted against another; offering no opposing proof, save the lack of unanimous viewpoint.

It is with this understanding that I encourage all researchers - expert and amateur- to PERSONALLY VERIFY all referenced Executive Orders, legislation, and anything else in quotation marks (especially if there is no author attributed). If you find yourself growing impatient with the purposely-abstruse wording, take a break, have a glass of (unfluoridated) water, go for a walk.... you will find that when you return to the task your outrage/dread will have abated sufficiently, and your research will improve significantly.

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 12:40 PM
This is an excellent example of the type of fear propaganda used to gain our acquiescence to the Takeover.

I mean, who wants to think that our country was "overwhelmed" while only guarded by "a flimsy line of barbed wire"? Of course, it's not the Mexicans we are worried about (that would not be politically correct - I mean, who ever heard of a Muslim Mexican - Muslixican?). What really has the "officials alarmed" are the illegals from "Central and South America, Asia, even Mideast countries such as Syria and Iran." (Our old friends, the very Axis of Evil)

Hey, Joe American...are ya scared yet?

***Swayin' to the rhythm of the new world order...Maynard


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