posted on Aug, 31 2018 @ 04:18 AM
When you have something like, I dunno, say a muslim compound in the desert in New Mexico training little kids to carry out school shootings but the
'news' media is 24/7 "See, see, he did lie about cheating on his wife. IMPEACH!!" then of course you tend to be very distrusting of 'news'
Most leftists believe that 'right-wing' means 'inherantly bad' and that it's ok to silence their viewpoints. You know, like the nazis did. You see
this all the time when evil 'far right' speakers are shouted out of presentations and cancelled from speaking at universities and halls.
The left think this is ok. It's not. It's fascism.
The kids know the media pundits feel more than happy to lie and falsify 'news' on a daily basis, everyone knows.