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We don't exist just now

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posted on Aug, 29 2018 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

the only thing that exists is the present , time is an abstract expression of our humanity !

the past is past because it no longer exists in the present , and the future hasn't came to the present yet !

all we have is the here and now , and here ye are making #e posts on a forum , what a waste of an abstract expression lol

Im just joking

posted on Nov, 28 2018 @ 02:54 PM
In general astronomy and mathematics we calculate with 11 dimensions. Since space-time curves, each of the three physical axis have three dimensions, and time, which is actually an illusion, goes back and forth to the simpleminded. Remember I speak of humans here. There are far more dimensions than eleven and time doesn't just move back and forwards, Like I said time is chaos, and chaos ends in order and inertia. Inertia is a practical joke. Growing up the tides followed the clock in a 12 hrs cycle, now it changes all the time, in the world I prefer now, the tides move evenly+1hr. And trust me, there are worlds that are completely water worlds and dry ones too. Worlds where fire dominates &c. Time is a human concept that reflects corrosion and ageing. I have been in worlds where the skies were yellowish brown and grass was all red. Apparently I was a cat, looking down I had paws. I draw my universes based on Einstein, and my equation on general relativity reads E=mcˆ2+(-)1/q where q is the cosmic constant. Think: Is language matter? Is a rock really a rock?

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