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Venezuela how bad can it get ?

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posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 06:02 PM
Old regurgitated bs and garbage. The Venezuela issue has little to do with socialism or mismanagement and everything to do with western backed industrial sabotage, sanctions, and attempts to revenge upon them for taking their own natural resources from our kleptocracy and pushing a competing social framework. We will not allow freedom, democracy, or success in any nation that refuses to tithe us, or to follow our rules of austerity and trickle down economics. That doesnt posses nukes.

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: skywatcher44

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: skywatcher44
I read that Ecuador and Brazil are tightening borders.

I think you mean Columbia and Brazil. Ecuador doesn't border Venezuela.

You know it's bad when the nation that's synonymous with drug cartels considers them to be undesirables.

Should have added Columbia they were letting them through and pushing them towards Ecuador but Ecuador have started to ask for passports which the refugees or many of them do not have.

I don't think Ecuador had any choice. How could they possibly house, feed, provide jobs for 4,000 people a day according to many news articles.

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: pexx421
Old regurgitated bs and garbage. The Venezuela issue has little to do with socialism or mismanagement and everything to do with western backed industrial sabotage, sanctions, and attempts to revenge upon them for taking their own natural resources from our kleptocracy and pushing a competing social framework. We will not allow freedom, democracy, or success in any nation that refuses to tithe us, or to follow our rules of austerity and trickle down economics. That doesnt posses nukes.

Yes its always the US's fault. Just like the sovies socilaits experiment and maos china were also perfect unitl the US ruined it.

Socialism is perfect and always works, but somehow the evil US always ruins it.

What Venzuela needs now is more socialism, that will solve things!

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 07:38 PM
Scrw venezuela. they got what they deserved.

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: stormcell

Sounds familiar.

Like when Stalin killed all the farmers because they wouldn't give up their land. Then nobody knew how to farm and millions starved to death.

The few socialists who aren't f# brainwashed and stupid are total psychopaths.

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 11:33 PM

originally posted by: NthOther
a reply to: stormcell

Sounds familiar.

Like when Stalin killed all the farmers because they wouldn't give up their land. Then nobody knew how to farm and millions starved to death.

The few socialists who aren't f# brainwashed and stupid are total psychopaths.

I think the problem with these countries is that there is vast gulf of standard of living between those wealthy living in the cities (degree educated, working in multinationals like the oil industry), those living in surrounding shanty towns and the peasants living out in the mountains. The latter two outnumber the former and think that multinationals are just taking their wealth of their country. Therefore someone should step in and prevent this theft.

posted on Aug, 20 2018 @ 11:46 PM
True socialism cannot succeed so long as the nation that practices it is not entirely self sufficient for all needs and a fair amount of wants. All trade must be for things that can be done without, and no part of daily living should rely upon trade. That nation needs to be able to depend upon their people and their people alone for all things required to keep the nation healthy and prosperous. There can be no compromise on this issue.

In fact, even for capitalist nations I would suggest self sufficiency for all needs to be of primary importance before considering the benefits of trade with other nations. Any reliance on other nations for needs means your nation has a huge glaring easily exploited weakness by your enemies. If your nation cannot shut down all boarders and survive it has insufficiently protected and fortified itself.

Sadly this is advice pretty much no nations take to heart.

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 12:45 AM

originally posted by: pexx421
Old regurgitated bs and garbage. The Venezuela issue has little to do with socialism or mismanagement and everything to do with western backed industrial sabotage, sanctions, and attempts to revenge upon them for taking their own natural resources from our kleptocracy and pushing a competing social framework. We will not allow freedom, democracy, or success in any nation that refuses to tithe us, or to follow our rules of austerity and trickle down economics. That doesnt posses nukes.

Glad to see you gavnt got a clue what your talking about. Who was the investor in Venezuela? Well im betting you didnt know its China. China is the one damaged by Venezuela not the US. Next the sanctions from the US were put in place to protect Venezuela's people. The sanctions are set so anyone that tries to purchase Venezuelan assets will not do business with the US. Now why was this done you ask?

Well the fear was moduro would sell off government assets for pennies on the dollar. For example China at one point was looking into buying the oil company. This would mean the people would have nothing left. If the US was trying to hurt them it would have put sanctions on their oil much of which is sold to mexico.

So your blaming the US for trying to help the people of Venezuela. Luckily many there are not as niave as you are and they like how the US has dealt with Moduro.

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: stormcell

originally posted by: NthOther
a reply to: stormcell

Sounds familiar.

Like when Stalin killed all the farmers because they wouldn't give up their land. Then nobody knew how to farm and millions starved to death.

The few socialists who aren't f# brainwashed and stupid are total psychopaths.

I think the problem with these countries is that there is vast gulf of standard of living between those wealthy living in the cities (degree educated, working in multinationals like the oil industry), those living in surrounding shanty towns and the peasants living out in the mountains. The latter two outnumber the former and think that multinationals are just taking their wealth of their country. Therefore someone should step in and prevent this theft.

You have this backwards many in Venezuela life hasnt changed. The peasants as you put it continue to farm trade and live. The problem comes in cities they can support themselves without money. Thos educated people cant grow food or raise chickens they need the money to pay someone to do it for them.

The problem becomes the money they were working so hard to get is now worthless. Its sort of like that but gold thread i was reading gold is only worth what someone is willing to give you for it. Venezuela proves this people need wheelbarrows full of money to buy a chicken. Meaning those peasants have all the power right now

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 07:11 AM
I don't understand why their currency is devalued.

I haven't read any where that they printed a ton of money.

I wonder how they determine the value and who determines it?

Perhaps its a ploy to remove the elected president.

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 07:21 AM

originally posted by: skywatcher44
I feel for the common Venezuelans who have been under mismanagement for a few decades and no signs of any respite.

I don't.

posted on Aug, 21 2018 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: dragonridr

You actually believe the sanctions were put in place to benefit the Venezuelan people !

How did you came to this conclusion?

posted on Dec, 12 2018 @ 05:23 PM
EU plans to "assassinate" Maduro, which he blames on Bolton (for internal propaganda purposes) are futile, just like the Drone assassination attempt a few months ago.

EU New World Order of supernational oligarchy based EU superstate is hopeless and dead.

posted on Jan, 24 2019 @ 10:44 PM
Anyone notice how most of the mainstream media in America is virtually ignoring the root-cause of what's happening in Venezuela? Not only this week...but ever since the uprising began.

They ignore that the U.S. pledged a $20,000,000 aid-package today, for citizens in need, during this upheaval.
Source: eader

But the MSM has replayed audio of Trump's 2017 statement regarding potentially sending U.S. troops to Venezuela, many times this week. CNN then proceeded to have "experts" discuss it, like Trump has already committed our military, with the public condemning our President for doing so.

posted on Jan, 30 2019 @ 09:56 AM
Somebody is making up stories about a cargo plane full of gold going from Venezuela to Russia.
Why would they move gold to Russia ? there's no reason for that !

If anything Venezuela demanded its gold to be returned from the British Central Bank. Why would they do that , and at the same time move gold to Russia ?

Who's making up this genius plots ? hmmm ... I smell the EU behind the fake news !

posted on Jan, 31 2019 @ 06:53 AM
1) It is very hard to believe that there's going to be a military intervention of any kind in Venezuela
2) The EU won't get a drop of oil or a cubic inch of gas from there ....

posted on Feb, 7 2019 @ 04:42 AM
So-called "surgical strikes", didn't have any effect against Syria .... won't have any against Venezuela.
People who think that it's different due to the geographical location, are mad !

Syria was also surrounded by NATO puppets, yet .... no success ...

posted on Feb, 23 2019 @ 11:34 PM
So .... how many Venezuelan military defectors until now ? .... I guess the same number as the "empty shelves" in the supermarkets ...

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