I was reading this rather interesting article about the Swastika and a canadian artist who is trying to regain the original "more gentle" past of
the Swastika. What was particularly funny was the photograph he has of the woman's hockey team from Ontario , Canada in 1916. I thought I was looking
at Third Reich propaganda. I wonder if the Town of Swastika in Ontario still use that emblem?
Umm Ive seen Swastikas(non-tilted) in the East End b4. They are especially prominent in little india in the east end of Toronto. No body has
complained and I have yet to see any graphiti on any of these places. Ironically one of the places with the Swastika is right next to a Synigog, so
I'm sure the Jews who go there know exactly what it means the TRUE meaning and not the twisted verson. Some of my grandmothers textbooks from Poland
has regular Swastikas on the cover and on the pages for good luck. It's a perfectly good symbol when used properly(ie when not used by Nazi's or
thier Neolithic cousins)
Yes the Wheel of life sure has taken a beating since the Nazis took it as their own symbol.
Even though its original and true meaning is good, people will always see it now as a representation of oppression. For that, IMO is reason not to use
it in modern times.
i could be wrong but im pretty sure that the native american indians used this symbol alot....possibly even invented it?
Lol myn....that hockey team looks menacing!....it could almost be hitlers 'joy division'
Its a real shame but i dont think i will ever be able to see that symbol and not think of nazis and hitler?
It's a symbol independently generated by almost every culture we have a historic record for, really fascinating coincidence. The wheel, yin yang,
tri spiral, cross are all variations, it appears to be a symbol very important in decoding the human condition.
Of course, what do I know, I'm just a humble monk.